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Memes Of The Week #373 - MGTOW

Published on 08 Feb 2025 / In People & Blogs

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Hey everybody welcome to another episode of memes of the week. The best thing you can do is spank that like button to help this video reach a wider audience. Also before I get on with the memes first a word from today's sponsor Met VPN:

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

No. The battery cars the EVs are more heavy from their weight, all those batteries. Speed plus weight means more inertia and momentum, so more time and force to slow them down or stop... and add in a lot of "Tight turns" and curves on American roads... well, you see: More accidents.

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

@6:00....In the video as she was "escorted" away, she puts one fist high into the air, showing all too well that she was just acting arrested the whole time. If she ever got busted for real she'd be bawling her eyes out.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Nah. That's just the cops' semen in her eyes...

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zdoctor 1 month ago

in the mid 1980s a few people passed on from L tryptophan and they banned the sale.......yet more people have died in EV fires from thermal runaway and somehow they are safe. we have fallen as a society that cant protect its own people....... its amazing how whaman have fallen from society's view while at the same time being strong and empowered. here is a good article how teen whaman outpace men with fentanyl addiction......just like i said before....more whaman are addicted to substances including alcohol and getting DWIs, more whamen are homeless, more whaman file for divorce, more whaman are self deleting themselves, more whaman are on anti depressants, more whaman just do not realize they are failing on every level......here is that article on whaman and fentanyl abuse.... https://nypost.com/2025/02/08/....us-news/teen-opioid-

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

No. They aren't failing... well, now they are with Trump back in the Whte House. They told us in their Georgian GuideStones: They wanted to reduce the world population to 500 million, How do you get rid of all the other people alive? Now, start your list here... this is the or rather their bigger picture,

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