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Men & Women Are NOT Equal - Here's Why

Published on 02 Mar 2023 / In People & Blogs

Feminists say that women and men are equals, that women are just as strong as men and can do anything a man can. But then why don't they? The answer's are revealed here, and it may shock you to find out that men and women are not actually equals as feminists say. Or maybe it won't lol.

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Male Vs. Female Nature:

Men's Vs. Women's Love:

Men's Vs. Women's Wants:

Female Nature (Is Ubiquitous):

Relationship Venn Diagram:

Men's Self Development Book:

Complete Self Help Library:

Sex Ed For Men:

Female On Male Sexism:

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TheRedKnight 2 years ago

dear lord a whale on land! ITS EVOLUTION AT ITS WORST LOL XD

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Women claim to not need a MAN....................that is until they need a MAN of Course! lol! If women are so fucking clever and better than MEN, why after what is about 60 years now of feminism? They cant even change out a flat at the roadside? Yeh great lady's you've come a long way in achieving absolutely "FUCK ALL" you pathetic CUNT'S! lol!

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mrghoster 2 years ago

MEN are both Mentally and Physically stronger than women. women today somehow think they are stronger than MEN because they are deluding themselves that by shitting out a few baby's and it is painful they are above MEN. Well without MEN's Sperm or even us originally finding them sexually attractive, women ARE and still have NOTHING. MEN accept who or what they are, women cannot admit they are WEAK. If we look back in history we will see it is the WEAKER women that was more desirable to the MAN. Once women were sold this fucking stupid idea they are equal to MEN it all went wrong. Now women cannot define their own place in ssociety, the MAN has also realized his place in society has changed. The difference is the MAN (the creator) both is and will move the goal post to protect himself, that is what RED PILL and MGTOW is about. IT's not fighting the feminist ort women's pathetic equality WAR. They want WAR we don't the result has been that the fefail has become even more PATHETIC, and USED, but NOT by MEN but their weakness is noe weaponized by politic's and the very Gynocentric and Matriarchal state that now exist's. Women created that because they were WEAK even in feminism. They have created their own failure but still blame the MAN who is not at all responsible for any of that. We adapted, we walked away, we cut our cloth to fit the social body of the time. Now the fefail has rejected Us MEN WE are nowe FREE to some greater extent and no longer hooked into the fefail and it's weird mannerism's. Women have NOT destroyed MEN other than those who refuse to change with the times. Modern MEN are as different to traditional MEN as modsern women are to traditional women. Women have completely oin their own, destroyed the pair bonding mechanism. As a Modern MAN be it an old one ! lol"! I have completely changed and abandoned everything to do with fefail's I bought a couple of nice Motorcycles, I'm into building and creating stuff mainly for me, I'm a musician Artist Philosopher, self made MAN, so WTF would I even need or consider needing a fefail in the flesh for these day's. Sex is virtually non existent with everything else that interest me above it. should i9t appear for a short time (rarely these days), I have porn or imagination to cover the few minute it takes on. Outside of that a female form has no place in my life, but in my imagination I maybe need to let in a little nature from time to time in a safe way? So MEN and women are far from Equal the MALE with his brains and logic, creativity and strength will ALWAY's be above the women whatever they do or say. In the future long after I'm dead that derision and destruction of the MALE will come back and bite the female in it's fat ASS big time, when no one knows how to create anymore because emotion rules over logic and innovation. Avoid the CURSED fefail and as a MAN, a REAL MAN live YOUR life for YOUY and YOU alone.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

Good stuff keep it up. Good content and a factual stance on good information.

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Masculinism Movement
Masculinism Movement 2 years ago

Thank you very much!

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Calliope 2 years ago

Hope this doesn't give you a heart attack, but I'm a woman (though not a feminist) and gave your video the first thumbs up. There is hope. :)

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

If you are a woman welcome we need more women on this platform to give their side of the playing field most women do not listen to a mans persepective from experience from being in the trenches.

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Masculinism Movement
Masculinism Movement 2 years ago


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