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Men are Dressing Poor to Deceive Women

Published on 21 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs
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SteveOUK 3 months ago

I saw a stat once that something like 80% of millionaire households still clip coupons.

Bill Clinton once quipped, "If you want to live like a Republican (meaning wealth), vote for a Democrat!" All the mindless Democrat seals clapped for that line while all the rational people understood that: if you want to live like a success, LIVE the way successful people do. It's a process over time, not a state of being.

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slapmonkey 3 months ago


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Stalwart 3 months ago

I love looking poor, and different. Totally advantageous.

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Stalwart 3 months ago

This guy hits the nail on the head over and over in this. These are the principles I've been living by, and it has saved me an absolute fortune. Avoid debt, get your assets safe from inflation, etc, and save for the rainy days.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

15:03. The LAST car I'd own right now, is a Tesla, or ANY EV.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 3 months ago

This is very true. I know a guy who drives a 20 year old minivan expressly for keeping gold diggers away. He actually has a nice sports car he uses for track says at a nearby racing venue and he keeps it at a friends house out in the country so the single mothers in his own neighborhood never see anything but the van.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

Sounds like Dalton (Patrick Swayze), from the movie, Roadhouse. Lol!

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