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Men are Going Their Own Way and Not Working

Published on 11 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

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mrghoster 3 months ago

The system threw ME out of the box back in the 1980's. I've never looked back or worked a day since, I don't deal in benefits or be a slave to them either. at the time I took what I was owed in benefits that I had paid tax for, then with that I established myself as a Grey Man ,a GHOST or GHOSTER. Now I'm outside the BOX I'm pretty much Invisible and where I am visible in the system is on a basic level of no interest to the system. Result? Life is pretty fucking cool. no stress, no trauma or hassle, I do WTF when I want. My pension investments when I WAS working are giving me a comfortable but far from Luxurious lifestyle. I'm MGTOW MONK and don't even or rarely think about wahmen other than to be aware of what's going down, in which case I tend to laugh a lot at pathetic Wahmen! their misery is sure a great source of Laughter for me! lol!

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mrghoster 3 months ago

As it is said - "The more you have, the more you have to lose". I have no debt and this has been since 2006, The 2008 crash didn't even show on anything I did because I was under NO pressure, and subsequence down turns and crashes in the Economy have been like water of a ducks back to me, (or should that be DRAKES back) that after all is the MALE Duck! lol! I have no credit cards and I do have the good shit but it's OLD secondhand shit I fixed from the dumpster. I owe the system nothing and that system owes me nothing either so I just don't comply with it where possible . I skirt round it picking what is good for me, whereas Wahmen are well and truly intrenched into it all and pay the price for their foolishness. Whilst feminism traumatized wahmen (and we know this by the way fefails are failing)! Us MEN are THRIVING - I live by the meme or whatever you want to call it - "LESS is MORE"!

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mrghoster 3 months ago

Let the Wahmen do all the shitty MEN's job's they are welcome to it. I'm actually retired with pensions to live off. As you say a guy is Happy to do without if it means he doesn't have contact with the MAN and for the Wahman as well. I need little to be comfortable. Very little in my home is new. Computers, washer's and other white goods all out of dumpsters and I fixed or they were passed down to me when foolish people have to have brand new. This wasteful world is a god send to a MAN with a brain and abilities. I repair and repurpose shit as well, I even build my own stuff. And ALL without a Wahman to fuck shit up! lol! Being ALONE as well (NOT LONELY) may I add is a fucking god send as my life's default position from a very young age has been being ALONE, it's what I know best and it works perfectly for me!

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Yeah, I get that. I've been alone on some level ever since I died: Sometimes, I come across someone with near death experiences, out of body experiences, or full cross over...

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mrghoster 3 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Interesting I can relate to this.I've often found myself with someone about to die, I've held their hand or been their onb a number of occasions in my life, it's like what I'm here for?

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