Men Are Turning Their Back On The West As It Collapses
Published on 24 Aug 2024 / In
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Being ENGLISH the UK is not the UK anymore, it has become a place where I and millions of other indigenous people of these islands feel like we don't belong anymore, we see foreigners swamping out shores taking our Money , taking our privileges and national pride and corrupting it into something never to be mentioned. If I was ever called on to save or support this country I would refuse even under threat of a bullet in the head. Why should I fight for greedy corporations that have abuse and robbed us for decades, why should I fight for the safety of women who HATE us MEN? The one thing I DO have on my side is AGE and the attitude of "Not giving a fuck anymore"! lol! I've learned with Stoicism to adapt instantly like the shares in the stock exchange. Nearly every faction of what we hear hardly if at all effect's my life at all. I've built my MGTOW Monk life by factoring in all this shit and not having what I don't need to thrive.
Guys, don't gert involved even with society, let it burn but make sure for the time being that you keep YOURSELVE warm from the flames. There is no responsibility on you to take part in any of this shit anymore, so enjoy it whilst you can.
Let's sum it up easily, the difference between women and MEN is as simple as this - You don't enter a MOPED for a MOTO GP. That is the difference between MEN and women, namely a MOPED is perfect for going down the shops but little else, A GP BIKE is designed to be a GP BIKE. A women regardless of whatever she does or has done for her will ALWAYS be a MOPED! lol! Hope you get my meaning? Women have totally forgotten that they are women and think they are some sort of sudo MAN. they in the process have lost the important connection or place in society, the FEMININE, MEN don't want to date a MAN especially one that has all the bad trait's of the male Psyche, which is what women think is being manly? They think all MEN are brainless Alpha moron's and because of that all MEN are tarred with the same brush. The very so called MEN women want are the very MEN women actually hate? women are pathetic Hypocrites with delusional and childish expectations, they don't know WTF they want, this is why a REAL MAN avoids the Drama and CRAP. Do what I did, go and Thrive alone and better yourself, don't feel guilty or be made to feel guilty by women. THRIVE in YOUR own way, Fuckem' ALL fella's!
What is happening today is by giving women this freedom it oppresses MEN instantly. This has happened before in tow cases I can historically think of. The Ancient Greek thing fell apart when women took over so to speak, and the same happened with the Roman Empire when as it failed women kind of became in control, seeing as our global society is still pretty much like the Roman society, then with women having false power given to them we will fail, this time round for sure because the Roman's or Greeks didn't have MGTOW and feminism. MGTOW is saving MEN and letting them regroup, feminism far from destroying MEN is destroying women, that is what it geo politically was designed to do in the first place, and women (THEWEAKER) creature has PROVEWD this by following this lie because they are fundamentally STUPID and SELFISH, now they refuse for selfish reasons to take outside advise from those that see the problems then they will FAIL, I call them FEFAILS now anyway, anything a women touches get's perverted or destroyed, MEN are still the creators but hopefully we create for ourselves this time round.
Women like to delude thewmselves they are special or in charge........Until something goes wrong. It used to be they got a MEN in to sort it by flashing their tit's or eye's at him/ Nopw that don't work anymore but the women don't see that. MEN created everything this is why GOD believe in it or not, is a MALE. We are huMAN, we are HuMAN beings, the whole existance is HuMANity, don't see women in their anywhere. i walked a long time ago and I don't take ANY shit however small or large from women anymore, in fact women don't really feature in my life in the same way that sex no longer features. Ever noticed that women are strong and independent when they do something that MEN do without needing to thing? If a MAN does anything that a women doesn't like the he is an Incel or Gay, which is ironic seeing as the fastest growing trend with women is to be Lesbian or Bi! lol! women are simply one trick ponies where everything and anything is based purely on SEX. They don't have anything else to offer because in a MALER world that is what a women is for, Procreation, but they no longer are prepared to do that so women have become surplus to requirement in the Eyes of MEN. I stopped helping and MANsplainbing to women decades ago even before MGTOW or the Red Pill was called that. Quite frankily women DO NOT deserve MEN's attention because they don't earn it, and just because they have two bumps on their chest they think they are special? LOL! sorry women you are gone and I feel no Guilt or responsibility to YOU at all. YOU cant make me do anything I don't want to do, and I don't want to DO you anymore, to much hassle and drama. I'm like many guy's Thriving simply by staying free of the CURSE of the women.