Men Are Walking Away From Friend Zone!

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Published on 25 Dec 2024 / In
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What is that ugly beast in the first part? Amazes me how these women think they are so hot. You're black and don't even have real hair. What are those glasses? To distract from the dead eyes and baldness? Big ol gorilla lips. Selfish attitude. Put on a maid uniform. And be quiet. That's how women become attractive. Do not speak unless it's sexy private time with your one partner. Or greeting that partner at home at the door. Get off the internet and stop making videos of thyself being an arrogant cunt. It's not like cunt can drop a Nomu with a sidekick or anything. But Mirko the chocolate waifu can. She earned her spunky personality and is still cute instead of annoying.
So you know in anime the protag often acquires a harem of waifus? They do this by friendzoning all the women who thirst over them. Take note. Women are more interested in you if you show zero interest in them. Act like they are annoying tag-alongs. I wouldn't waste my time with real women, but it's funny how it truly works. Women wouldn't be so obnoxious and entitled if men just stopped simping. At least the waifus are pleasant to have around. Real women are just ugly, stupid, and have no respectable qualities at all. Nothing useful to add your party.
A converse lie that men have been told is that gratuitous sex and high body counts for us is actually a good thing. Rape, after all, is a weapon, of war in many cases. Depriving a young woman of her virtue cannot be bad for her and somehow good for the man. It is up to us men individually to find our strength through God and experience, and not expect to find it from repeated pats on the head from random females. Personal responsibility has a serious ripple effect, but like many such things, one must employ it first to find that out (or just read books and listen to masters).
@0:52 - Actually, women only want to go for the top one percent men. Unfortunately, the top 1% will bang most of them and as Tyrone always say "leave them on the side of the road".
@1:33 - That is when we catch her in a lie. We already know that society at large has been shaming men for having of which would be a nonfat woman. That is why the "Fat Acceptance Movement" exists and magazines have been putting porkers on the front of their mag covers.