Men Don't Believe This Anymore
Published on 19 Jul 2024 / In
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The time of glorious war and men sacrificing themselves for a greater cause is long gone and men no longer have a cause larger than themselves but was it ever truly noble to sacrifice oneself for the greater cause or was it just effective propaganda?
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Going to War is a Pseudo Religious Scam with your male Commidment Sworn written in Stone with Penalties of Death for breaking it.Buuut your Rewards lie being honored getting a good Marriage and so on ..that dosent exist Anymore in the West so a Carot on a Stick without a Carot,A Stupid game of Musical Chairs in wich you loose your Limbs or your Life with no Visual Reward Guaranteed or even in Sight.What is Honor in a Society without Morals Fkin Nothing ,Zippo,Zero.
3:00 - re: "you will need boots on the ground."
Something you learn in rudimentary military training: all is for naught if you don't capture real estate. You can bomb cities to rubble, and they'll just find new ways to spring back up. You HAVE to control land and resources physically to deny them to the enemy. The value of infantry isn't just taking the hill but in keeping it so the others can't use it.
I lost mine trice: I'm still here bro!? But, yeah, you are generally correct...
Honor is one of those thing's evil people use against good people.
Go die for the noble cause?
What noble cause?