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Men Flip The Script As Women SPIRAL

Published on 21 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment
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WMHarrison94 22 days ago

Yep. I have no problem with cat ladies sleeping with all the pussy they can get...

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20 seconds in and "I just want a man to come and pay my bills and then go away".

Fuck Off.

Absolutely Fuck Right Off.

Selfish, Lazy, Entitled Piece of Shit.

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irancontras 21 days ago

so many of them...

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18 seconds in - and:

"I am so desperate to be loved!" - she wails.

"Oh Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...." - says me.

"Come and help me fix my car / motor bike / clean my home / make me a sandwich etc."



"Oh Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...."

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WMHarrison94 22 days ago

Make me a sandwich first... after a blowjob, we can look at this car etc you need fixed...

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@WMHarrison94: Yeah I mean she can come over and help me pull out my car engine....

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@WMHarrison94: It separates out the good and useful from the dumb and useless.... "I will be working on the car this week end and I need a hand. Will you be free on Saturday and Sunday?" - "Ohhhhh Ummm Ahhhhhh" - "Ok so your obviously booked up - be seeing you". = Men walking away.

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@WMHarrison94: I have built in "leads" and "threads", - an interesting and enthusiastic chick will chase the opporunity, a loser will shit can it by finding back doors, use low grade excuses and generally demonstrate a lack of intelligence, a work ethic, enthusiasm for living etc.. and that they are a downright lazy brain dead useless cunt..... Succeeding can have two meanings, one is to succeed - because it's brilliant, and the other is to brush off the disasters so they don't come into your life.... Getting rid of a shit chick - is a success! Come over and SUPPORT her prospective man? Nope. Make inquiries about what's needed for the job, what to wear, safety etc. Nope, Come over to help and learn a heap of BRILLIANT life skills? Nope. To put in any time or effort to RECIPROCATE? Nope...... She gives NOTHING and rightfully GETS NOTHING. See getting that parasite to get rid of her self.... This is success.

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