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Men Going Their Own Way Hate Women? - MGTOW

Published on 24 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat and here's what she has to say: "Hello Sandman, Thank you for pointing out ones again my lack of mastering the written language. Sandman If your goal is to attack women, you would have already made some negative comments about how I have bad writing skills even though I have two degrees. One in animal care and the other in business. Anyway, So why do people keep saying you specifically attack women? To me it does not add up. The idea that just because you're helping men you must therefore be attacking women. Everyone from feminists, the swirling sisterhood trying to take down your channel, sometimes the simps, everyone under the sun if I'm honest. I look forward to what you have to say. Kind regards, Fat Cat." Well Fat Cat thanks for the donation and topic. The argument people use that men going their own way like myself hate all women is because someone hurt me and now I'm trying to take out my anger by telling other guys to stay away from women. That argument falls apart considering that I was the one that always left the women I was with. Either because they were controlling or because they were disrespectful and their lives were an even bigger mess than mine. When you're in a relationship and getting that sweet sweet sexual healing you end up braindead and not all that motivated. I only realized this recently that the most important thing to a man besides fidelity and that the woman be faithful is that she respect you. If you don't have respect you don't have anything. Disrespect could be something as simple as telling you how to live your life or laughing at you when you don't succeed at something. Or possibly putting her own interests ahead of both your interests in the name of equality. Women also hate me promoting the idea that men should remain single because it takes away their available pool of fools to put in the friend zone. Not to mention if some Chads go their own way then even the men they rely on for booty calls go away. Yet another reason they hate me spreading the word is because as you mention the swirling sisters didn't like it when I exposed their behavior and how they treated black men poorly while treating white men nicely. That goes to show that women can behave themselves when they feel the fear or losing a good man that they see as the prize. But over time a woman may think you're more in love with her so you're willing to tolerate her selfish and disrespectful behavior. When a woman did that to me after five years I left. Most women even if they don't respect you need to keep that to themselves otherwise the guy if he has any self respect will leave. The swirling sisterhood couldn't have me waking up men that they were hoping would eventually date them. Feminists don't like men getting stronger and learning about female nature because then we can fight back against it or at the very least practice some level of self defense from it. Why do you think that women are taking over the education system and stunting men's intelligence. They want us in the trades and not going to college so we are dumb enough to be useful but dumb enough to be used. While they get the cushy executive jobs. They probably worry I'll help men increase our intelligence and take those white collar jobs from whamen. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

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Toki 23 days ago

Oh no Tubers have to pay taxes now like working men. Oh darn. Welcome to the club I guess? Can't live tax-free like women anymore. The irony of it all is hilarious. Tubers should be paying more because they aren't working anywhere and adding production to the human species. The politician lifestyle. Tubing is supposed to be a free hobby and the internet is supposed to be free access with the ISP fee. That way the Gov gets zero extra tax income from the internet other than the ISP providers. If you don't want to work get a cardboard box house I guess? When thots turn the internet into a revenue source it's bad. But when men quit working to Tube it's acceptable? Again the irony. Food prices went up again because people aren't willing to work and transport/stock product. Grocery stores are closed because no staff available to work. But at least we have Paytreon correct? Who needs production and food in real life? We just live off tips from strangers on the internet. Clearly that's how we save the economy.

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WMHarrison94 22 days ago

It's not that bad... A lot of us were conditioned to pay for cable, but in my experience, digital cable was worth for the any time you want to watch something or set it to record a show so you can watch it on your time. Now, given the crap cable tv was producing (hence why it's called programming), we cut the chord to stop paying these people who hate us. Youtube was supposed to be watching funny cat videos, but the Conservatives figured out how to make shows mostly talk or news that represented us unlike the CIA controlled Lame Stream media News. That's the problem: We left the cat video box we were in. This is why Freedom matters.

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WMHarrison94 22 days ago

Add in, that once we stopped paying the outrageous cable prices: There were only ten channels I wanted but I had to buy almost two hundred and yeah I got dome satellite radio while at home, well we stopped supporting the rich Oedowood THOT sex fsntasy lifestyle that itself was corrupting girls. This dumb idiots wanted to be girl bosses yelling at men all day. Women do hate us rather they hate themselves because they are weak and need us men. This hatred has been lingering for over three thousand years when Israelites stopped worshipping God El's Consort the Tree of Life removing her priestesses and priests from their Age of Taurus (sex fertility rites) high societal status to making Ashereh the witch goddess (identifed with Canaanite Ashtaroth) instead of the Tree of Life as She was meant to be. They hated us ever since... sure they also influenced the Ancient Greeks, those Greeks were descended from Atlanteans as a culture and left Egypt during Exodus with them Israelites. So, our modern world is literally based on JudehaoChristian values and Atlatean via the Egyptians and GrecoRoman modern lifestyles. Few in this world understand this.

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Toki 22 days ago

@WMHarrison94: Well they aren't conservative with their money that's for sure. You always talk about God. I guarantee God would not approve of how humans try to turn every little thing into how to exploit people for money. Tubing for example. Now if someone is going to roof your house and expects payment for their sacrifice of labor then it doesn't seem as bad because sacrifice. Tubing is just leisure time. It's absurd. You remember being young and your friends would play video games together? Why didn't they ask each other for money to watch each other? That's what Twitch does. Or simply have a conservation with someone = you owe them money. Oh wait that's women behavior again.

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WMHarrison94 21 days ago

@Toki: True, but I don't have time to really play video games... plus I warch Yt'ers to see if Blackrock or Sweet Baby Inc or Bridge (DEI rebranded) fucked up games... like the mewest Lara Croft Tomb Raider... it's war now Blackrock. .nobody messes with Womb Raider...

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Toki 20 days ago

@WMHarrison94: They already ruined Lara a long time ago. You need to play the older games to have waifu sexy Lara.

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Toki 23 days ago

I love waifus because they aren't exploiting anyone at all in real life. Or love your seksdoll. They aren't real humans therefore they are worthy of love.

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Toki 23 days ago

Everyone hates me so I don't like anyone either. Welcome to the human species. A free-for-all competition for resources where MeFirst is the mentality of the majority of humans. A species that enslaves their own sons for retirement plans. Just look at how most people behave in traffic. Humans hate each other what a shock! It's amazing how naive and ignorant most NPCs are. If you don't homeschool your own children you hate the fact you have them at all. You want them to suffer I guess?

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WMHarrison94 22 days ago

Yep, the feminist hive mind virus..

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WMHarrison94 23 days ago

You said that? Come on SandMan, Solomon said that Proverbs thousands years ago: "It is better for a man to be alone in the wilderness than to live with an unruly woman/wife." I say show me a more unruly whore than a feminist... especially a bitter, hate filled postwall feminist.

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WMHarrison94 23 days ago

What white collar jobs? You mean the failing banks and corporations?

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Toki 22 days ago

Tubing is a white collar sit-down job. In my local area we still have useless people called managers. They are white collar correct? Their job is to play on the phone and occasionally troll real workers who are productive. Or cops. They are white collar. They use the law system to steal from people which is extremely white collar.

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Toki 22 days ago

Why does it have to white collar anyways? Dat's racist lol. We need inclusion so it's brown collar/black collar/yellow collar/etc.

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irancontras 21 days ago

@Toki: brown collar/black collar/yellow collar.. those already exists, they are DEI jobs

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WMHarrison94 21 days ago

@Toki: Well, we had a hobgoblin infevtion er I mean over popularion of useless Jews from you know like WW2 Hitl... Er had to find jobs for them...unfortunately.

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