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Men Going Their Own Way Is THE ONLY OPTION! - MGTOW 2022

46 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 04 Aug 2022 / Im Film & Animation

Another view of option of becoming MGTOW. I'm a little confused about, coming out as Bi or Gay? I think he means if you are and not a MGTOW, rather than being a MGTOW and telling women this to keep them away? anyway judge for yourself? I think this is aimed at the newer MGTOW and the Younger Guy? I've been MGTOW and Monk for a long time and the thought od "Fudge Packing" has never reallty appealed to me anymore than modern women do! lol! It's pretty typical of 4th way feminism now it's losing to accuse men of being something they are NOT, because of the feminist laxk of intelligence and logical thinkling. Remember anytiume a women put's a MAN down she has lost any arguement in any situation, because the stark truth is Women can NEVER rise above MEN so they have to try to insult and bring Us down to their pathetic childish level to even compete. The thing is they don't realize MEN are very well versed in womens mind set's and attitude, so the women has lost before it even opens it's rancid mouth!

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Mustang 2 Jahre vor

It's 2023.

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Julian6669 3 Jahre vor

nice....................but, becoming gay? nah ta...................Asia is where its at with femininity ;)

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Shrike777 3 Jahre vor

That shit about becoming gay, bi or tranny is fucking weird.
I don't hate women, I just hate how they treat us.
I stopped being a walking piggy bank.

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mrghoster 3 Jahre vor

Yep my piggy banks is very full and I've also bought many a thing with it but never a women, two motorcycles yes., I continud to save what I used to spend on dating years ago instead I bought nice things for myself. there is this tendency among women to think a guy is Gay if he doesn't want THEM, byt when they don't want Us they are independent! yeh! right! A women never needs a MAN until she needs a MEN! I think what he was trying to say with the GAY thing was about Making sure women knew you were not interested? the thing is as I see it isn't it that women like having faggot's around to spill out all their woe's on? So the whole thing is a little confusing, but your response was what I was looking for. This Guy is pretty good with his vid's but I think this one is not as clear as his others? My life now as a MGTOW Monk is all about ME! I din't mean that narcissistically either, but for all the years I was SELFLESS in relationshit's and with women, wife, etc I see myself as playing "Catch up" and not being selfish at all. after a life of rejection both by the state and women, it cis MY time now and I'm enjoying it and I don't need to be "Fudge packing" to do it! lol!

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Shrike777 3 Jahre vor

@mrghoster: Well put good sir. I work damn hard, why shouldn't I enjoy the fruits of my labour? instead of having a leech to contend with on the side.

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