Men Have Realized They're Better Off Without Women
It's been quite a year 2023 hasn't it? We are at last seeing women suffer in their self endused pain of ther lonelyness to come, where as to the other extreme we are seeing more MEN (REAL MEN), walking away in even bigger numbers. but women see Us as to blame, but where is the BLAME for walking when there is nothing left for Us? I've beem Red Pill most of my life liong befor ethe term was quoted. I've beem MGTOW for nearly a decade now. both are the best things that have ever happened tpo me, in a society thst tyhrew me out of the BOX I now look into that same BOX with the knowledge I an freer outside of it than in it. I've dismissed society as not being part of me, same for women. They are REALLY gone to a point where I wont even entertain putting up with their blame game and self endused PSYCHOCIS. You have to remember there have always been unstable women, but NOW society and politics has made this instability the MORM in siociety regarding women. So women are totally off the menu for me, I save and spend my money on things I desire, women NOT being onbe of them. so guy's forget the pussy and if you need to crank one of and use you imagination once in a while, no STD's or STI's, but all the poleasure. I haven't dated on decades but I still wsave the money I used to put aside for such nonsense and I haave a stable bank account. tow nice motorcycles (paid for), a nice HOME that is purely ME in as many way's as possible. I dress nice (For ME), I don't flash my meager wealth about, I keep my eyes wide open and my MOUTH shut especially round the "Fefail" of the species that is "More deadly than the MALE"!
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Happy wife, Happy life came from the biggest generation of Degenerates and Simps that completely F*cked the Country over. The Demonic Baby boomers. When they came of age, everything they touched they destroyed, Family, the Country, the Economy, men and women. I'm 100% certain that they will go down as the worse generation of Humanity. If gen Z don't beat them out of that spot.
Marriage is just slavery packaged in a different style of wrapping paper
Did you write that?
I sounds like you.....
Yaw spill chequer is in kneed of Korecshun.