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MEN have stopped trying as there is no longer any point

Published on 22 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation

I've been wathcing more recent video's on women and basically they are just saying what went before, it's become boring personally but to all the guy's making them I give a big high five for letting younger posible MGTOW's and Red Pill s new to this game a chance to be aware of the danger's of the women? Frankly i've come to the conclusion that women in general are the NEW "MORON's" of human society. The have no empathy or Hubris, compassion doesn'yt exist unless of course it's for their own CUNTISH self pity and Victimhood. for me the psychology of the irrational has turned ME far from any intergration with the fefail of the species. a women could stand on a table infront of me frigging itself off and it wouldn't cause me to raise a smile nether lone anything else1 lol! Just gopiung near a women nether lone communicating wiuth any of the CUNT's simply put's me on danger alert, the barriers instantly go up. I don't do it nature or the situyation is now a part of the CAUTION we MEN must now take. I'm not religious but it did occure to me the other day that in "Revilations£ it does say something about maqny people will suddenly vanish? Isn't that what is happening wioth Men as we pull away to adapt and create a new world or life for ourselves? also whilst on the Revilation subjecy I also gave some thought to the mark of the beast in the parm of the hand and is the ANTI CHRIST actually TECH, it seems to be destroying everything including the very basics of life itself? The mark on the forehead, is that not our frontal lobe being manipulated and altered even destroyed by tech? far from embracing tech and relatuionSHITs I('m fimding I'm automatically withdrawing from it as a natural response to the threat. women are in my honest opinion not actually Human anymore, they are Mentally SICK to the bone and well avoided for the male's own safety. trying to survive today is about adaptation and moviung away from it all societally and making your own MEN like as easy as possible. when the shit REALLY htf, I hope women don't think they can drop their knickers and reveal a crusty CUNT and think MEN are going to fall at their knee's? Quite honestly without the feminine the fefailo body is in my view Disgusting even to look at. you eat the cake to often eventually you WILL become sick and vomit1

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JMGTOW 6 hours ago

2:22 western women in general are fatter, lazier and more entitled is true. that is because the western culture enables cunts to act this way. this in turn, stunts a women's mentality to that of a bratty shit teenager who just wants their way or else they throw a fit. whereas poorer areas in the east or south, women don't have the choice to live so lavishly so they are forced to mentally grow and show more appreciation and gratitude.

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mrghoster 9 hours ago

I'm MGTOW, I CAN COOK, Do my own housework and fix shit that breaks, WTF would I even need a women for? As for SEX? well I learned as a musician to play my five fingered organ many years ago! lol!

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mrghoster 9 hours ago

A MAN (REAL MAN) as the vid say's , needs a women like a fish needs a bicycle, "Drizzle drizzle" ! lol Although it has ALL now going wrong for women they STILL cannot come to trems with it at all! lol! It just makes MEN stronger knowing these CUNT's are failing big time, they have destroyed the only bipedal Ally they could ever have and I really do think MEN ARE gone for good, I don't have a clue what women can do to bring us back? Maybe we will remain alone and thrive whilst all the pathetic simps and cucks destroy themselves, the NON MEN as I call them. Women an burn in their own HELL they created either via stupidity or just shear ignorance, if they cant see the out come then fuck em' ALL! Peace Gents

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