MEN have stopped trying as there is no longer any point
Published on 13 Sep 2024 / In
Film & Animation
MEN have stopped trying pretty much altogether now. Dating is dead and even the need for a fefail for some of us is surplus to requirement? Maybe some of you have noticed I don't post women stuff so much now, I do only post it for your benefit not mine, I'm pretty much finished with then and not much of my lifer can relate to women anymore and the piece of Mind is amazing. No datign, no marriage, no cohabitationg or even talking to the CUNT's matters no more and it feels a big James Brown "I feel Good" and I knew that it would! lol!
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Solid truth!
Good one.
Jana Hocking is a Drunken Bar Slut who fucks random strangers in toilets all around town.
She is a piece of shit Australian dating coach.