“Men Need To Try Harder”
Published on 02 May 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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"Men need to try harder" ... for her? I definitely understand why she has this idea - her pool of suitors has evaporated. Just an emotion, guys; please keep moving - nothing to see here.
She is a Gynocoligist or better known as "A Stuck Up CUNT" and easier to Spell as well! I bet her name is Betty Crockashit and her saggy dumplings! That dress she is wearing looks like her tow satsuma's have just exploded! lol! So if MEN are supposed to make more of an effort for femon's what is in it for Us? Walk away guy's that's thye only true thing to do for yourself and your sanity, don't get caught up in their Psychosis and delusion's. when a Guy wakls away he instantly starts to REPAIR himself and then THRIVE. It's a no brainer really?
Amen. "The best thing is to walk away." If they want to win, let them argue with dead air.
I also wrote a book.
It's called the Fuck Off You Rancid Twat Bible
Chapter One: Fuck off
The End