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Men Should Go Fishing forever

Published on 02 May 2021 / In Film & Animation
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mrghoster 4 years ago

There was a day in an Australian City a year or two ago when all the Transport workers took a day off (MEN) that is like Bus and Train Drivers Taxi Drivers etc, and the City fell apart for about a week over one day. Not sure where it was? May have been Brisbane?

When you think of it Red Pill and MGTOW is a bit like MEN being on strike, but I would say it's more like being Retired so we can enjoy our own space, the only Space left to us - In our Head's? they will never get in their if you're a REAL MAN?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

To be honest I force myself to converse with them, as they are spaced out

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

Education was feminized, everything taught for thirty years plus, feminized. Instructed by majority female teachers that taught everyone how think female. This has had a devastating effect on millions of boys. Women don't know how male brains work, can't teach anyone anything about that. No males around to correct or balance. It's why there's so many angry young men that don't know how to deal with things, or express themselves in masculine ways. Emotional responses come first. Rage and destruction follow. Female.
Men could end all of this shit tomorrow, if they went on strike. Can't force us back. Not enough of them. When they scream for action, send them to the feminists and women. Tell them it's time to put their money where their mouth is and 'git 'er done'. Strike doesn't end until they revoke everything feminism gave. Not enough burned men yet for that to happen, though. A flight of fancy for now.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

There are many more men living in silence after seeing the femon nature, if men don't fight back then they won't be any left

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

@SoloManZone: The Western world needs to deal with serious levels of cognitive dissonance, regarding women, or it's going to become something else entirely. I sometimes get the impression that many men just don't care anymore. Red or blue pills. Nature doesn't fuck around. We are not 'the life'. Life is what made us this collection of bacteria and gasses, running around fucking things and shitting all over the place. Western females have become repulsive to many potential mates, and arrogantly waste the most (re)productive years of their life, acting like immortal children. Western sperm counts are dropping right across the board, for years now. Nature knows a dead end when it sees it. Western women are that dead end.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Drums McBashington: Either they change or disappear, nature has no free loaders

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

Quiet calm and peaceful on the river bank or in a boat. Camping, hiking, hunting and fishing hell even bird watching are good for you anything that gets you out and about.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

Peace is hard to come by if your male these days

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

@SoloManZone: Femons are simply insane, and are just simple minded.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Hammerhead69: children

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

@SoloManZone: Problem is being children could imply innocence or poorly raised so as to be damaged for lack of schooling.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Hammerhead69: their genetics are broken

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Councilof1 4 years ago

That seems crazy closing a fishing spot for dog walker's. They don't even need to interact with each other. I'd love to see the mental olympics done for that decision.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

One word......Femons

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