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Men Shouldn’t Talk To Multiple Women (Issues With The Abundance Mindset)

Published on 06 May 2024 / In Entertainment

Today’s video is a blackpill for men out there in 2024 on why men shouldn’t talk to multiple women and my issues with the abundance mindset.

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Jaygo 10 months ago

There's a bill being proposed to allow pregnant mothers to begin collecting child support before the child is born.. Honestly i hope it passes. For the idiots who's stupid enough to still be dealing with modern women; I hope the courts drain them dry and bring all sorts of hell on them. I personally believe it's men like those who are a major, if not exclusively the problem what we're seeing in society today.

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EuroGaNationalist 10 months ago

Men’s inability to have any sort of sexual self control is the reason we deal with these issues today and evil men in government make laws to allow women to screw over the average man. I must say, I no longer care about men outside our space since they are all together useless. They will continue dealing with modern women even if there were laws saying they would get their legs cut off after a divorce. They are the problem and must be avoided at all costs. As for women, I don’t take them seriously nor view them as equals so anything they say goes in one ear and comes out the other. Even if it’s a female politician or they have a position of power above me, I’ll still treat them no differently than a subservient dog because they are beneath me. I don’t care for their sentiments, beliefs, or advice, I just need them away from me. Tough times are coming which means great opportunities for us who know what’s going on to profit, I refuse to miss opportunities over disgusting women who serve no purpose.

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Jaygo 10 months ago

@EuroGaNationalist: Yea man.. I was just thinking that. These people have not a clue of what the hell is coming. It will be a bit bitter sweet. We'll have to survive through it, but, it will take care of several of these useless eater parasites. They are dogs and parasites. The lowest of the low. and now amount of money or position can change that. The time and money these animals put in for creatures like the modern women is just abominable

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Jaygo 10 months ago

I wholeheartedly agree. Seeing what is happening, and how the Government has "empowered" women to dominate and destroy men. No self respecting man would dare have anything to do with modern women; let alone more than 1.. That's just insanity. Or what i truly believe is an addiction to p*ssy and women in general. I just view most men who are dating and or in relationships, no different than i would any addict. To varying degrees. When you really look at the behavior and decisions of most men, in regards to relationships. I honestly can't say much about modern females without viewing most modern men in the same light. It does take 2 to tango. I'm honestly sick and disgusted of both. Most women are hustlers and whores, and most men are weak pathetic p*ssy worshiping simp. They both deserve one another imo.

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