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Meroe and Napata: The Nubian Kingdom that Conquered Ancient Egypt to become its 25th Dynasty Rulers

Published on 23 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

#africancivilization #ancienthistory #Meroeandnapata

Video about Kerma Kingdom: https://youtu.be/a6WTl0tq1C4

The Kingdom of Kush is one of the most incredible and breathtaking kingdom in ancient world, but very little is known about it. This is because scholars prefer to study its northern neighbor, ancient Egypt, leaving Nubia in the dark. This kingdom was located on the eastern
bank of River Nile, in present day Northern
Sudan. The kingdom was divided into two periods.
the Napatan and Meroitic periods and grew to even conquer Egypt to become the rulers of its twenty-fifth dynasty.
Meroe was the second capital of the kingdom from around 300 B.C. after it was moved from
Napata after it was plundered by the Assyrians and Romans.
The Meroetic era saw an increase of rule by queens, who were titled "Kandake" espeçially in the first century CE. and the city is very endowed with lots of pyramids, more than even Egypt.

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