Published on 21 Dec 2021 / In
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When I have my Annual free FLU Jab vbecause I'm of a certain age! I will always for a day or two show or have Flu like symptom's, because that is what a REAL Vaccine does, it gives you a mild shot of what it is curing. So why didn't the Covid VAX effect me in the slightest, Absolutely nothing happened not even a sniffle? Maybe it was as fake as Covid. The only thing I did have was a slight salty taste in my mouth for a few day's, so was the vax a simple Saline shote, thqat's why you have it deep in your arm and not in you elbow like other shot's, so it would be to deep to collect for a biopsy maybe?
I'm sorry to say or should that be PLEASED to say this Vaccine thing isn't about millions of culled deaths? If it was we woulsd have seen and hear of the action of it, where for one are the millions of bodies? some years ago some number crunching was done and ir was estimated our SO CALLED over populated world if given 1 square yard to stand on would fit in the state of New York.
This whole LIE is about information and control for the Corporates and money. It's what these psychopathic BASTRDS have always done and some collateral damage will occurr. STOP feeding the FEAR and use rational thought to survive this crap and YOU WILL?
It's now so clear that there is NO Virus, this is all a Money making Psy-Op to wheel in Big Pharma and weaponize people health as the bad guy's! lol! It's pure Snake Oil Salesmanship. If you have NOT sussed it YET then you deserve to lose your liberties out of STUPIDITY! No one has died or got ill from Covid. Howe do I know? because it doesn't exist. The people that have sadly died probably have NOT died from a non existent Virus but had on going or underlying problems. Have a broken system that will righ liers and figures in favor of the deception you can make anything deadly or seem deadly?
As for the vaccines? I think I'm discovering about this one. Probably 99% of the Vaccines are placibo's, like saline. I got kind of conned into the vax, but I had absolutely no reaction to it in any form. I've taken a chance and will have the Booster, (just the once). If there is no reaction to it which I believe there will not be, the the next line of investigation will be seeing in the near future how non or partially vaxxed are treated socially. I'm old but healthy but I'm taking tha gamble the vax is as bigger lie as the virus, soi they can get your names on lists or compliant and non compliant? I bet they don't have a list for those pretending to comply? lol!
Regarding the so called MASS deaths and bodies from this PlanneDemic. Back in the late 70's, early 80's there was a Hospital Porters Strike at the NHS. not sure how long it lasted? But interestingly enough one of the sections effectef were the "MORTUARY" Porter's, my mate Pete was one of them and I learned a few things from him over this strike ! lol! Anyway UK news reports were showing dozens of Hospital Car Parks taken over and filled with 36ft Refrigerator trailers, that apparently were for all the bodies of dead patient's to be put in because the porter's att the Mortuary wouldn't take then down there? Mind you I don't know who did ? ans why they needed 36ft refrigerator trailers for bodies? so here's my point, if a strike can cause that much death destructioin in a hospital Mortuary, then in the day's of Covid where are all the bodies from covid deaths then? I also have lot's of friends in the Funeral trade that I so services for occasionally and I asked then how they were coping with the extra work because of the PlanneDemic? Apparently their business had not been effected at all, outside of the usual slight Flu rise in the winter. So where are all the bodies, who is burying or cremating them?
So just use logic and common sense and you will find that when you scratch that pimple, there is NO puss inside? In a world full of Diet, those that SEE through the LIE's are KING!
Psychologically it takes a mere 28 Day's to re-program a human mind set, this has happened so quick in the last 2 years because it take less than a Month to program the masses, they then deprogram the masses the next month and instill confusing and different memes and action's into the system. This Causes FEAR, MISTRUST, CONFUSION and eventually MENTAL ILLNESS and HOPELESSNESS? If you are able to see what is happening you can escape and break the spell. I've noticed with these covid restrictions, they are all aimed soley at the middle and upper middle classes with things like Flights, and travel, clubs and socializing and so on. Lock downs basically showed me that I'd been living like this for decades due to lack or opportunity, so it had little to no effect on me. I have not yet worn a MASK or face covering to give it the real description. I made myself a Lanyard for when I go in a store. All it os ia a noter on a card that say's I refuse to wear a face mask, so I don't, I also stuck a bar code sticker on it as well from a bag of apples. No one will question it or come near me because On the back I have the Governments own LAW on the Discrimination against the disabled Section 119 2010, and the in the human rights section 112 2010 you are NOT allowed to approach anyone about any type or or lack of a Face Covering. I oiften go shopping om my motorcycle and walk in with a crash helmet on, which is deemed a legit face covering . But covid or not I always walked into a store with my helmet on.
To everyone out their i would like you to bear this in mind. - "The (Omicron) Variant" is an anagram of "MORONIC", and that is the nonly word you can make from it. - Kind of a spell wouldn't you say. THEY are laughing at you because basically you are frightened and living in FEAR because "YOU are MORONIC". Go on check it out for yourself, play with the word "OMICRON" and find MORONIC!