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Metabolism Slow

Published on 09 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣metabolism slow? Watch this video to learn how to fix your metabolism for good.

0:00​ Metabolism is vital to your health
0:15​ The foundational facts of metabolism
2:15​ The weight “set point”
5:00​ How insulin slows your metabolism
11:19​ What causes insulin resistance?
13:18​ The glycemic index and slow metabolism
17:15​ How intermittent fasting helps fix slow metabolism
20:24​ Nine tips for improving your insulin sensitivity and metabolism

In this video, I want to talk about how to fix a broken metabolism. Now, this is an incredibly important topic, so pay attention closely and take notes.

1. Dieting slows your metabolism. If you have dieted for many years, chances are, your metabolism is very slow.

2. Dieting increases your hunger and cravings. In turn, many people who go on diets end up gaining the weight right back.

3. Age slows down your metabolism.

4. Exercise increases your hunger and cravings.

5. It’s unnatural to lose weight. If you think about it, your body’s goal is to store energy for when it really needs it—like a time of famine or starvation. Weight gain is a survival mechanism.

There’s a certain point that your body likes to settle at as far as your weight. I like to call this the “set point.” Your set point is the range where it becomes difficult to either lose weight or even gain weight. I want to show you how to lower your set point. Let’s say your set point is around 182, and you want to lower it to 142. The goal is to drop the set point.

First, there is one primary thing that ruins your metabolism’s set point: high insulin. In the presence of insulin, it is impossible to lose weight and drop your set point. Insulin promotes fat storage and prevents fat loss. Sugar and carbohydrates trigger insulin. Over years of a high-carb and high-sugar diet, your cells become resistant to insulin, which leads to more insulin production to try to compensate.

To get insulin resistance under control, you have to limit:
• Sugar/carbs
• Protein
• Gastrointestinal hormones
• Estrogen

To fix your metabolism, consume foods low on the glycemic index. High-fat foods are fantastic for fighting insulin resistance and metabolism problems. Avoid low-fat foods.

Intermittent fasting helps avoid insulin spikes, which reduces insulin resistance and improves metabolism. Only have 1-3 meals a day and skip breakfast whenever possible.

More tips for fixing your metabolism:
1. Apple cider vinegar
2. Fermented foods
3. High potassium foods
4. Vitamin B1
5. Fiber
6. Fat
7. Lower cortisol and estrogen
8. Sleep and exercise
9. Consume plenty of low-carb vegetable

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