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Metroid red soil practice piece

Published on 21 Apr 2023 / In People & Blogs

working on composing Metroid red soil. here is a sample of what I'm doing.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

We need to jam together.

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Awesum brother glad your still keeping music alive brother and KORG oh man those are the dayz. My first Love ;D and for so many others as well.

Me I'm in the corpo rat race or getting my health in order so not much time to do anything and had to put music to the side as it wasn't paying the bills and that's all I wanted to do, thank you for the short burst and thank you for all the fun and knowledge you spread with your channel+content and enjoy and make the best

Sometimes Music is worth more than Gold or Breath itself God be with you in GULAG UK.

Can't wait for the full song as I have never played metroid and that KORG synthesizer sounds awesum

God bless you and KEEP THE MUSIC ALIVE Godspeed brother \G/

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