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Published on 02 Apr 2021 / In Film & Animation

TIME STAMPS (Sorry for slight Lag, we fixed it during the show after 21:00) :
0:00-4:53- Intro, announcements
4:53- Girls introduce themselves
11:39- Who is more trouble? Men or Women?
15:50- When two girls go out, who pays? (LOL)
18:00- Womnanese for women are emotional while men are logical
19:38- 21:10- SKIP THIS (WE FIXED THE LAG)
21:10- How to get a thr**some w/ 2 girls
28:10- Shout out to James Burnett
29:00- The average girl has slept with more women than the avg guy
32:15- Women don't c*ck themselves....
33:50- ENTER @Kid Trunks
36:15- @Kid Trunks introduction
38:00- Do men feel insecure being with a b*s*xual women
40:07- Disagreement with Myron and debate on equality between the genders. Do men need women or vice versa?
46:10- Super Chats (FUNNY)
48:30- Single or commit to regular guy that provides security?
50:22- B*s*xual ladies' standards for dating men v dating women (entertaining)
56:24- Kristina's SIMP TALE (First time we have heard a woman simp for a single mom LOL)
57:34- Dating as a rapper for Kid Trunks
59:24- Super Chats and ROAST SESSION (LMFAO)
1:03:03- LOL
1:05:32- Do the ladies consider s*x w/ 2 guys ok? @Official Saweetie and @Quavo Huncho reaction and discussion.
1:10:55- Dangers of marriage and how the wealthiest women are wealthy
1:13:35- Ladies fav s*x positions for men and women
1:16:51- More Super Chat roasts (LOL)
1:24:20- Guest contact info
1:28:00- Discussion on restaurants that roast customers?
1:29:20- The crazy things pay women to do to them...(RP truths) and Outro

Kid Trunks IG: @kidtrunks
Daniela- @ItsDanielaaandrea_
Kristina- @Kristinasanta
Jasmine- @JasmineeCharles
Talia- @Lollichtalia

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xxhellrazorxx911 4 years ago

stop sending money to these ass hate dudes seriousely

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xxhellrazorxx911 4 years ago

these girls dont really like women they just dont care. and its all encouraged. and if their parents where able to beat them as kids and be parents they wouldn't be gay or bi. srry to say. these women are so gross..

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xxhellrazorxx911 4 years ago

the intelligence shows here alot. the first one cant even talk right. maybe we do need a depopulation. like seriousely. i hate hate hate women like this to the core...

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