MGTOW 23rd Dec 2021
Published on 22 Dec 2021 / In
Film & Animation
A day in the Life and Times of Shane T. Hanson
These are the retards I reference. and
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I side loaded this video from another platform as their uploader and processing is reliable, and for me doing a 430 Meg video to MGTOW TV is basically impossible.... AND the first GENIUS who commented on it said, "I was expecting to see a MGTOW video, and all I got was a fat cunt who was picking his nose. No wonder the women don't like you"..
Ahhhhhh Haaaa Haaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Another dumb cunt with the "Know All - Know Fuck All" syndrome.
Around 13 or so years back I did an analysis based upon the sales figures of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous of the basic but accurate enough "failure rate" of the fellowships, where the groups buy the "Welcome too" key rings and chips that get handed out to the newcomers - and after that, people buy their own "Years of Sobriety" medallions. So there is not much difference between 10,000 and 10,003, but there is a LOT of difference between 10,000 AND 3.
So for every 1,000 welcome to AA and NA trinkets the groups buy, there are about 16 x five years sober and around 12 x ten years sober medallions bought by individuals. And when you ramp it up to 20 and 30 and 40 years sober, there is an increasingly astronomical starter base, and an infinitesimally small amount of people who clock over the decades of sobriety, out of the enormous amounts of people who start off in AA and NA.
AND ONE cunt a couple of months ago, remembered what I had posted 11 years back and he went on this tirade of shit AT me., in an NA meeting, and he had about 6 other fucking morons joining in shouting me down, or shouting their shit at me... THEN they booted me from the Zoom meeting.
But there was a few things he didn't mention in his super genius commentary.
That he has been doing drugs for the last 11 years, and he has been doing crime for the last 11 years and he has been going in and out of gaol for the last 11 years, and all of his like minded "genius level friends" who piled their shit on me behind my back, are all dead, buried and gone....
And the hecklers in that meeting, well their survival is going to be rated in weeks and months. They are like the idiots running the Titanic at full speed at night, in COLD still waters, without search lights and binoculars, where the icebergs are..... And the idiots are all calling me a dumb cunt because I know how to avoid colliding into icebergs, and they are shouting at me, for not being like they are, and doing what they do.
I didn't clock over 33 years drug free by being a fucking tool.
And this dumb cunt on the other platform who made his idiot comment, who said and did nothing other than state the obvious - yeah I am fat - "Well Duh!" - everyone can see that... and I pick my nose - well everyone does... LOL - like I give a fuck... AND if I am on the phone - I also go off for a shit and or a piss while I am in the middle of a call too. Surprise, Surprise.
And he LEARNED NOTHING from the content IN the video.... Nothing worthwhile REGISTERED. He is incapable of listening, learning and understanding.
He was just like that DUMB CUNT JUNKIE in the Narcotics Anonymous meeting....
I think the maths is that for every ONE person who buys a 33 years sober medallion, the groups are buying around 170,000 "Welcome to AA / NA" trinkets from the service offices.
And out of the all the people who I have come across, NONE of them have ever asked me, "What do I need to do, to get to be able to LIVE a good and meaningful, worthwhile life, and then die of OLD AGE and NATURAL CAUSES?"
But lots of retards will say, "Oh you are a fat cunt you are!"
Arrrrhhhhh Haaaaa Haaaaa Haaaaaaaa.