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MGTOW, a temporary ''Pit-Stop" ?

Published on 28 May 2021 / In Other

August 2016

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AttilaTheHun 4 years ago

I like what I think is your overall message to think for yourself and not get caught up in the idea that you have to propagate the species. I don't understand why you're slamming MGTOW. It seems to be the only rational approach for a young man today. (I'm an old guy - been married 44 years, so I'm not really part of your target demographic.) I'm not surprised that some men wouldn't have the inner strength to be self sustaining and go back to the plantation in some for or other. It's a choice, although not one I'd approve of. They deserve our support and sympathies, not our scorn. They need to get burned another time to learn the lessons.

I very much like the emphasis on pointing out male disposability. Traditionalists and feminists absolutely ignore that. Again, I'm not in the target demographic. I expect that the best thing a man can do is to cultivate friends and hobbies. Both are crucial to your well being.

If a man can make it to age 30 without getting married he has a good chance to avoid being trapped.

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PRICK 4 years ago

0:11 Not M.G.T.O.W you are mistaken. 0:53 Mgtow is a loosely based form of camaraderie in online forums alone. I have found a tremendous amount of support within, not just for myself, but for other men, far more damaged than I.

I do not see from whence you've drawn this "Temporary" conclusion from. I've been mgtow for decades, and consume volumes of content. This idea is NOT coming from the men that follow the philosophy. I've heard this shaming attack from females, and anti-mgtow, claiming mgtow is "One blowjob away from the plantation." But this is NEVER propagated by mgtow. Women "SAY" I think this way, but I do not in fact.

1:15 Decades is not "NOVELTY" wearing off. The philosophy is NOT something that can be "Unseen." So far your criticisms are based on an outsiders understanding of mgtow. These are not the thoughts of the men that are LIVING it out day to day. You're projecting a prominence on feelings, and emotions that mgtow practice controlling. This borrows from Stoicism. Accepting what IS, not what I wish it IS.

1:28 MOST??? Says who??? You "IN FACT" do NOT know MOST mgtow. This means you've built an argument on a foundation made of your own presupposition. You "BELIEVE" most mgtow want to go back to the matrix, but as I've stated, I consume volumes of content, and have done so for years, and this is NOT a sentiment from within mgtow. I would state the opposite sentiment is most definitely within mgtow. Monk for life is a common phrase.

2:59 Mgtow philosophy is the solution to male disposability. It does not attempt to solve societies, or women's treatment, or attitudes toward male disposability, it simply shows men how to avoid the potential catastrophic legal, and financial consequences of female/state entanglement. It solves it for ME, as it was intended. It is not MRA. It is an emotionless, logical, reasoned analysis of the risks vs the rewards that concludes love, family, companionship, and sex are not worth the risks.

Mgtow is not about FIGHTING for men's rights. Mgtow is about LIVING for my own best interests.
MRA = He for he.
Mgtow = Me for me.

I'm only three minutes into my critique of your video, and I've had to leave things out for brevity. I'll be back.

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