MGTOW Advice on how to avoid being spotted and cancelled in non MGTOW servers in Guilded or Discord
Recently i have started thinking about how to conceal views and avoid being noticed or cancelled if a
person is on a non MGTOW server on discord or guilded. we join non MGTOW servers for alot of reasons
especially when the servers are about stuff we are interested in, but we do have to be cautious and
understand that people on such servers may not like MGTOW and MGTOW people in general and that we
need to do what we can to hide our viewpoints and not be noticed, just because some staff teams
are rational does not mean all are, while one staff team will understand the entire context and
how mgtow works the other will just not think logically and assume we are anti women and ban us.
To prevent that from happening we should avoid being discovered.
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Being MGTOW is great, though some people dont like and some of them will resort to trying to cancel us, this video talks about ways
to protect ourselves from that when we are in non mgtow servers or communities.
Hey... I concur. If you're MGTOW on other sites or say on JewTube, have another account without ant MGTOW linked or accounts commented used. Be like RGE with AngryYellowBird I think it is?! Plus, as a bonus, you can use it to scope out new propaganda your primary account is blocked from... Stealthing, man.. ghosting in plane sight.. like Rambo in the mud wall... all you see is the whites of his eyes he opens right before he strikes...
I compare it to having a certain bumper sticker on my vehicle. I keep mine bare. One day I had a doctor's appointment for a physical. They wanted me to fill out a questionnaire.
One of the questions was whether I owned firearms. I left it blank. None of their damn business! No one needs to know what I think, politically, philosophically or otherwise. I expected to be turned away, but nothing happened. Apparently my money was still good. Lol! My actions are sufficient, imo.
I was thinking about you recently....
People always appear soon after....
The sound is nice and clear....