MGTOW Bat Crazy
Published on 12 Feb 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Holy clown world!
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The current Globalist and Corporate thing can only work if idiots buy into the CON and the crap product they produce. I personally stopped buying branded names a long time ago. Being on my own I don't need Whistles and Bell's anyway so rather than line the pickets of the Big Ones, I an happy to pay a little extra to go to the smaller private outlet. women have become a Corporation of sorts and I don't by my Fish from their anymore!
The femon's are liker a FISH............Without a Bicycle! lol!
Independent media producer who resist wokeness should come to channel like and publish their content. I know, not much money to be made here but Hollywood and the likes (Big Tech) should be deserted. In my country, the film industry itself had it's golden era. Then, the government decided to play along and issued some grants (yes, taxpayers money) to these producers to spearhead their agenda and propaganda. Now, these companies simply depends on the grants to stay operational (welfare) and the government is the one who the approves the script (and film award nomination). From time to time we will see the same shitty movie (sometimes no movie), produced by grant money embezzlement.
Here's a little interesting tidbit for ya.. I remember the era during the invasion by the hispanics.. White owned businesses don't hire enough minorities.. says the media.. over and over... well, I have noticed that hispanic owned businesses only hire hispanics.. ABSOLUTELY 100% true..