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MGTOW - Companies are Cancelling Office Christmas Parties - the #MeToo Back Lash.

Published on 13 Aug 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣⁣Lion of Mgtow / LOM / L.O.M. / https://www.mgtow.tv/@Zuberi87 - He put up a REALLY good video on how thanks to the retarded fugly cunts of #Metoo inspired a whole generation of men to avoid contact with women and how they stopped going to the work christmas parties and public dances.All the lying sluts would turn up, get drunk, look for men to fuck and there were none. The women were holding dances and 200 women turn up and 3 guys did - shit like that......
His video has disappeared, and apparently has been archived, and he won't tell me EXACTLY where it is.... and I have never been able to find it.
⁣Women and their nasty petty shit - they have overplayed their hands.
This is similar to LOM's video - but LOM's video had a greater scope on the subject - more barbs on the fish hook so to speak, and it really impressed me.
But since the other one, with it's video has disappeared from the internet, I guess this one will have to do.

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awol201 3 years ago

An oldie but a goodie . EMAN67

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