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MGTOW Happy Father's Day To MEN!

Published on 21 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

Fire up the grill, crack open a cold one and let's enjoy OUR day gents!

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anonmachina 5 years ago

Parental Alienation affected by Women may never be considered a crime, particularly when present-day 'visitation' deprivation affected by Women is commonly ignored by 'Family' Court judges.

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WindSage 5 years ago

There is a saying "a son you are but a father you will be". The father part is very dubious in this day and age. But as one gets older one does understand better the actions fathers have made and that they are not perfect. There is an animated movie Beowulf, the line I most liked was "Do not remember me as a hero, remember me as a man with the good and the bad".

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AngryCoffee 5 years ago

Men are far too done with trying to fight a system that would rather see them dead and have all the money in which the men hated have earned. The system hates us men and always will because the system is ran by sissy faggots and soy boy beta cucks. Get rid of the men and they see it as getting rid of the problem. Been over 39 years since my father was ever seen or heard from again. I am now 40 and yes it does fuck with your mind and yes it can really ruin trust in humanity when a boy is not with his father. Even when i was raised by a man not of my own blood. That overwhelming feeling at his family events and in that home. I might as well have been invisible and sure by the way they acted around me on purpose I was lower than dog shit. This is nature in the working. When any male of any known creation is cut out of the sons life that son will have to become very focused on what traits are needed and learn as many skills to make something of himself. Nature never was or ever will be fair to anyone.

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