MGTOW - I need NEW Ideas to save more Dudes!!.mp4
Published on 12 Feb 2020 / In
Film & Animation
mgtow and new idea plans and projects
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I have two comments . First ...I think 2021 should be the year we Men take the fight to the weemon . I Am trying to get Men to call out weemon when I see them getting a pussy pass I don't let it happen . If a woman hit's a dude Make sure she gets busted for Assault just like a Man would . No more treating them like Children ! (Accountability ) It's TIME !...Second .The Music > I Have been playing Guitar for 40+ years and I have started writing some songs just for us Men . I am too old to jump around on stage and perform but I can wright them I don't do heavy metal but you could . Just a thought !
HI , This was isnpired . I play bass, super hard, slow , hehe. Do you going to make , some video in Spanish? that could be great ! hehe. Ideas . You saw the Document From The Mgtow Comunity in Spanish. Is a must !. Imagine a thing like that in a ligth manuscrip, like little magazines.