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Published on 25 Jul 2020 / In Film & Animation

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AladinDarkness 5 years ago

Unless you're a manwhore, you want to be a Gentleman. Gentlemen are put in the friend zone. You want to be in the friend zone, because then you can hang out with women without the emotional baggage that comes with a relationshit.
Wear comfortable clothes so women will think that you are poor.
Wear a 20 dollar Timex and leave your Rolex at home.
Get a flip phone to use when you're out, and keep the good phone, with your private number, for your own use with your real friends.
Get an old comfortable car at least ten years old. Keep the drive train up, but dents and rust on the body is a plus.
Never have more then 40 dollars in your wallet, then make a point of showing her that you are almost broke, and if she wants to have dinner with you, she'll have to go Dutch.
We WANT women to think that we have no resources for them to plunder.
It's called Camouflage...

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ChronicBlast 5 years ago

I needed this comment. Thanks bro. Yeah I don't give a flying fuck what a woman thinks about me anyway, especially now with my recent experiences. If they wanna chase rich and FALL FLAT, they can knock themselves out while we get rich off of silver and the red pill revolution.

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anonmachina 5 years ago

BTW, IDGAF Mode should be reserved for....not giving a fuck about the 'plans', time, and resources others want to partake from your efforts. Like TFM said, no one cares about your life or the value thereof (except when it comes to attempting to turn you into a slave horse or whipping boy), more than you.

In brief, even using energy to counter an argument from the blue-pilled is energy better expended investing in your aspirations.

But you probably already know such.

Personally, I precede all engagements (with others), with that thought.

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ChronicBlast 5 years ago

With each passing day, the more I drift away from the game entirely. Women, will soon see ghosts.....

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anonmachina 5 years ago

It gets easier...with time.

For quite a few years now, after deciding on what is most important to me, and venturing on the journey to attain said goals, I do NOT have the time to entertain the idea of a relationshit, let alone attempting to keep an adult child entertained.

I will note, however, that in 'goint it alone', I have lost some of what the masses commonly refer to as, 'humanity'.

To elaborate:
Though I can appreciate aesthetics, I do not feel anything resembling attraction to women. Though I can relate in the mundane to others, and listen intently, and provide feedback, empathy is essentially no longer existent for individuals that toil in drama in order to 'feel alive'. Though I can respond to conversation with strangers, if so asked, I share my point of view, without care for 'political correctness' or other such nonsense promoted ad nauseum in this 'modern' civilization.

The 'loss' of my 'humanity' to the present extent was not unexpected. In fact, I made a futile attempt to cling onto it, to no avail.

I identify it as a 'loss' only because, from that junction onward, one is no longer coherent with the rest of the 'norm'.

Nonetheless, I do not regret the path.

I am consisgently at peace, and that is the goal I once thought that perhaps, it would be impossible.

P.S. No, I have not turned into a Psychopath (which was also a concern--I was venturing into uncharted territory of consciousness.

Nonetheless, in part, I can only smile, recalling the narration by the character, Patrick Bateman, in the film, 'American Psycho'.

Be well.

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ChronicBlast 5 years ago

Well said bro.

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