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MGTOW Is Only One Red Pill

Published on 08 Feb 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Lithuanian Apiary

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- http://www.sanantonio.the-doll-house.com

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- https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCfniYT9wJHMlonj6d

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Lime. His comments and questions are long so before I read them let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Lithuanian Apiary: Anyways, now back with the show. Here's what Mr. Lime has to say: "Hello Sandman, where do I even begin? I was born and raised in NYC (yeah I know you're going to say “move out of NY now because of xy&z”, but it's not that simple) and like most people, my parents got divorced. As you can probably tell, my dad got divorce raped. Although being the crafty lawyer he is, he managed to weasel out a pretty favourable deal himself (for man in divorce court). I witnessed custody battels and heated exchanges, you know the usual experience for this situation. I’m not going to pretend my upbringing was anything special, because it wasn’t if anything I had it pretty good compared to most people. Both my parents treated me fine. I grew up in catholic schools my whole life, but I wasn’t even catholic, the public schools here are complete shit and my dad (who was legally obligated to pay for ALL the expenses) was more than willing to pay the thousands intuition. In my early years, I was active and social, but due to circumstances society morphed and twisted me into being anti-social. I discovered your channel & MGTOW way back in the winter of 2015, I was a high school sophomore at the time (15 yo) on the brink of suicide & depression. From my point of view, this period in time could only be compared to ancient humans discovering fire for the first time, as the introduction to female nature & hypergamy (is that how you spell it? lol) really opened my eyes to not just women, but us (men) as well. From 2015-2018 I used to watch your videos religiously, as I found that whenever I unplugged myself from MGTOW content, I would catch myself slowly drifting back to my old blue pilled ways. I tried to red pill the male friends around me and even my dad by showing them some of your videos, but no cigar. I took the “1 red pill a day keeps ___ away” pretty seriously. I started off as a PUA purple pill MGTOW, and I'll be honest and say that I didn’t respect the red pill monks. I saw them as just TFL’ers (or nowadays “incels” as some would say but I think that’s a very derogatory description) in denial, but nowadays with hindsight I now see where they were coming from. Now, you’re probably wondering what my experiences with females were like and well that’s difficult. Over the years I did get several instances of females showing a legitimate interest in me, but only when I was completely not seeking for females (i.e my “Be Gone Thot!” mode). But when I did make sincere attempts at getting a girlfriend/laid, no female wanted to touch me with a 10 -foot pole. Females are only attracted to me when I don’t want them. I would get a decent amount of matches in dating sights but none of them was ever interested in continuing the conversation. I’m 5’11, healthy/slim, I workout regularly, and I’m decent financially but why can I only get ugly/fat chicks? (if that even). Does that make me an incel?

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

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Portuguese_MGTOW 5 years ago

hey everyone lets get sandman to 10,000 subscribers

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