MGTOW Man Has Gone Fishing
Published on 30 Sep 2020 / In
Film & Animation
I think I got a bite!
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Feminists want men to stop thinking with their little head. That is the only thing that is saving their bacon. Once a man stops thinking with the little head, and finds MGTOW, it is game over with women. Men really are gone fishing. It is the best life ever without a nagging, manipulating whaman around. Find us out on the water!
Feminism is one of the tools created by Marxists to destabilize western society. Women have wholeheartedly embraced it, and now all people are screwed because of it.
Mothers sisters and female friends have lied to young Men and many had no Father around to teach truth.
Why do Men go duck hunting standing hip deep in freezing water because she ain't there so it's worth it. I don't put up with it she can kick rocks and walk her ass home if she pulls that. Sometimes it's shit testing if you'll put up with it.