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MGTOW - Motor bike gets severely rear ended by fefail CUNT on phone

Published on 16 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

Just look at the fefails milling around doing nothing. Thye fefail that hit him get's t of iyt's car with phone still in hand? believable. I ahave front and rear facing camera's on my bike fr just an incident.

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Grab her around the throat and punch her fucking head in.... You know many women are just so fuckign stupid.... this is just how it goes... but when they do really fucking stuipid stuff and their actions get other people killed or injured, I think they ought to be repaid in kind.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

It will come my friend. i bet there are a few bodies in the outback never found!

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mrghoster 4 years ago

you only have to watch Scotties dash cam to see how many fucking idiots there are out there?

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

...and then a bunch of women show up. He's thinking: I'm fucked. Gonna die from a broken shoulder.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Did you notice the first thing that happened was two women started waving their arm about and shouting at each other whilst the poor bastard lay in the road?

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StupidSexyLobo 4 years ago

They call us sleepers when we arrive at the hospital, keep your head on a swivel.

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Wolf178 4 years ago

When I rode a motorcycle I couldn't tell who was more dangerous. I got ran off the road more times than I can remember and I rode my sport bike solo. The 2 worst I remember was a dude that pulled from the outerlane to the turn off lane into Targets. I had to punch his car to get his attention before he pancaked me into the curb. Another woman changed lanes without looking because she was arguing with her kids in the backseat of their van and forced me into the grass median. Luckily no wreck

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Maaaaaan! I had an 83 year old guy as a companion for a little while, who was blind in one eye with a cateract, and his fucking brains had rotted.... Fuck. Every 10 minutes in a reigonal city was another near miss.... if it wasn't for me screaming at him.... "STOP! STOP! - You just ran a fucking red light!" --- "Wha, Wha, what red light? I didn't see a red light..." As we come to a halt in the middle of the cross traffic in an intersection..... JESUS FUCK! Every 10 minutes. I got his license removed.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

since cellphones came about it is extremely hazardous to ride motorcycles in urban areas anymore, you are truly risking your life. people crash in ridiculous ways now due to distracted driving, but they walk away most times even when the car is totaled because the cars are safer than ever. When you are on a bike, you don't get the benefit of added safety measures like crumple zones, multiple airbags, etc, so on a bike you can easily be killed by a distracted driver.

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Wolf178 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: haha I didn't even think about that my experiences were in the early 2000s. Cell phones were in a infantile state.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

@Wolf178: yeah man cellphones were a game changer and I dunno if there has been an official study on increase in accidents, but these people often drive in a manner that shows you they are willing to destroy their own car. In the us when I got my class m long ago, they said the number one cause of fatality of motorcyclists when it wasn't caused by the rider was another car making a left turn in front of the bike and not seeing them or judging the speed correctly. My friend broke his femur that way but lived.

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