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MGTOW My Last Video

Published on 02 Jan 2021 / In Film & Animation

Sorry about that

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SteveOUK 4 years ago

I remember an endless cavalcade of how smart and strong and brave girls and women "are" by an endless cavalcade of women in positions of power. Then 9/11 hit, and I saw that during the course of one day, almost all the females in my squadron disappeared into the wallpaper as they shrank back from their professional duties. They had mental and physical breakdowns, lost the ability to speak, and were overcome by fear for their families--they disappeared one by one. At the end of the day, all that were left were the men from the commander to the lowest Airman. There were three women: two officers and a senior NCO, and they couldn't leave without looking unprofessional. But the rest? Gone from sight. That day I remembered all the tired cliches and repetitive talking points about women being "just as XYZ as men!", only to see that when the fecal matter hit the rotary blades, they jettisoned any pretense of equality and ran away from danger.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

A good and reveling story there. As a young man I was alert and what I was told about how great femons where didn't add up to what I saw. Femons virtue signal and talk a good job, but when you want something done, get a man.

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Hard hairy big pack
Hard hairy big pack 4 years ago

There are no feminists in a house fire.

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

Femons are inane themselves, so when someone had possessions and eyes on all's well. As to school I tutored History and Business Law, my teacher for both gave these 2 sisters who were platinum blonde sapphire blur eyes and no brains. Even as I was tutoring them they could only talk about useless crap and not the subject at hand. They told me if I got them through the coming tests by cheating for them they'd do some special stuff both at the same time. I turned them down and said "I don't want to risk having retarded kids". Another student had to explain it to them.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

I wonder how many times that has repeated itself. The reason why we always are told and often growing up that femons were wonderful, is that they are way from wonderful and with basic abilities and generally not that smart. But I agree with one thing I was told, they are good at talking

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

I thought this was funny title at the time, wasn't meant to be click bait, just my sense of humor. For those people who got upset about it and put a dislike just because of it, should maybe consider finding another channel to look at. I do have a weird sense of humor and most regulars know this. For those sensitive people there is no safe spaces here.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

Just like your mom who likes to ground you in your room, Femons too will confine us men in their bubble. We can't move, talk or even think freely. Strong men will always show these Femons their place. Sadly these days, government is on the Femons side.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

I live in Hope, just past Freedom

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