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MGTOW New alabama Bill to end False Accusation WOMEN Are REEING (original air date May 27, 2019)

Published on 18 Jul 2021 / In Film & Animation

original air date is ⁣May 27, 2019

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anonmachina 4 years ago

Odd that Alabama proposed such a 'law'—false accusations are already a crime in all 50 States.

The problem is corruption...INCLUDING Legislators that propose such laws (in denoting 'women' in the law, Legislators know that it is likely that such a law [if passed], would be declared illegal in court, rendering it inoperative]).

The corruption is an illusion for the masses to believe the imbalance of power is being addressed (it is NOT).


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anonmachina 4 years ago

Perhaps it is best that such a law NOT be ratified—men will continue to withdraw from society, birthrates will near zero, governments will not be able to collect the taxes (from men) necessary to keep Welfare and other women-exclusive programs afloat nor be able to sustain many government jobs, and, thus, we can finally light this Powder Keg to destroy all Socialists and ban that ideology forever.

It is nigh impossible any of this will go in that order, but....the Patrick Bateman in me cannot wait.

Joking. Sort of.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@Mgtow_economics: After seeing Ashcroft and his ilk patiently guide the (anti-Constitutional) Patriot ACT to become law...and the remaining parts of what was to be the (informal) 2nd Patriot ACT be integrated in other areas (NDAA Section on 'indefinite detention', etc.), it became clear to me that the push to attain the ever-elusive 'Absolute Power' was...'on', 'cloak-and-dagger' tactics abandoned in exchange for public actions. In contemplating how to retain individual imperative, I cannot conceive of a prospect other than war. Not a conventional war, of course—civilians against a very well-armed military would be a laughable if it wete not for an outcome so tragic. However...a, 'scorched-earth' approach can be more than a metaphor—none of the peoples siding with any ideology would win, but there would be a measure of satisfaction in knowing that one denied others both the ability to enslave and the spoils of war. Reality, however, is often more grim. I find it unfortunate—as well as repugnant—how willing the masses are to submit to subservience. In contrast (but not much more effective), I do find it surprising how those whom want to preserve their (relative) autonomy still believe diplomacy will be effective...while concurrently refusing to see the failures thereof to date. That States along the South are welcoming the idea of citizens arming to the hilt was, however, a welcomed surprise. (I am not pro-war advocate, nor a gun-toting individual whom believes brute-force is the solution for political problems, but, instead, I prefer violence as a last option...as the present era now warrants. Perhaps sedition sans Federal say [to gauge reaction], then, onto the [expected] war. In my present health status, it is highly probable I will not live past three more years, thus, this is mostly academic.)

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Max_Dominate 4 years ago

Keep up the good work!

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Bobby_Onii_Chan 4 years ago

Alabama will become the first Mgtow state to illegalize the negative effects of feminism!!!

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