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MGTOW - Operation Saving Content Active and withdrawal preparations from youtube are being made as well as the last vide

Published on 11 Jul 2021 / In Film & Animation

opeartions save content

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

screw tube is going after everyone right now

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Yeah - when a company harasses the fuck out of the content creators that built it, and people VOLUNTARILY start moving their content off, to their own archives and onto other platforms, then you know it's fucked, as in finished and going down the gurgler.

They gave me a few copyright strikes for using short sections of music in non monetised "comedy ? videos"., "Oh and the song and dance and all the officially official bullshit"....

They are always deleting my comments - like 7 out of 10 of them... just for something to do.

AND then when you examin the complaints of SO many content creators.... and now EX content creators who refuse to use Youtube...

I have no idea what the numbers are - but out of the 500 or so content creators I once subscribed too, very few are left as active creators and the volume of content being produced is like 3% to 5% of what it once was.

Sites where people can and do self censor / moderate themselves / each other / primarily through interest and or disinterest - this seems to be wholly effective for the most part. People want to be liked, accepted, to fit in, and aside from the more extreme ends of the lunatic fringe, most people will tend to get it when they do decent work, and when they do shit work, and then they change their content accordingly - not so much for people pleasing but for the quality of the content.

Youtube's become a toxic socialist shit pit of nanny state / lefty / social justice neurotics....

And Susan Willyoujizzinme - she is incompetent.

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