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MGTOW-PUA Wars - Rise of the Neo-PUAs

Published on 25 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

Puas and dating coaches are mad at MGTOWs.

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Pale_Profit 5 years ago

Well said

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jesuswasafaggot 4 years ago

"the what community"??

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

I have a personal and intimate story about PUA. PUA turned heavily new age a few years back. Manipulating good intentions and energetic alchemy to get clients. I have also created a distance and void with a long PUA/NEWAGE?LIFECOACH what ever he want to call himself because I told him he should not be charging for the information that can save lives. Its the reason we are where we are as a race as it is. Monitizing vital knowledge. Personally this PUA was high quality. Trust me the PUA community also has a higher archy. My mate also suffered temporary ostrisization bacause one of the "so called thought he was a head" of the PUA movement got jelous. Most of them are narcs.

The last interaction i had with the mate was like this . I asked "don't you think picking up girls who drink and get bars is a really bad place to pick up a good bird?"

he replied "NO not at all"

says everything. This same guy also took me to london basically to chase girls everywhere. Not an issue it was a great way for me to observe psychology. I learn alot frm observing PUA cuz i never got involved. I very VERY rarely found a girl i like. It took me about 3 yers and a trip to poland to find a girl i like lol. I literally asked her out on valentines day and she said yes. I got abit to drunk tho but we had loads of fun. was just a really fun date. That was the last date i went on because frankly that was the last girl i liked before my understanding of femminism. The 2nd trip to poland was great but i couldnt get past the first date cuz they were all feminists.

Because of PUA i was pulling 11/10 birds and im just a hairy halfbreed metalhead half breed hippy. of course Looking back on it it means absolutly F'ALL.

I can see how PUA could be good for a few men but it should not be PUA in my opinion. as i said, they have monitized life saving information to men but mix it up with chasing women. Chasing women is part of EVERYSINGLE life/pua coach i have seen minus the new age "the secret" movement of life coachies aimed at mainly business. Basically earning money of sociopaths who cannot introspect.

In summery. I found out the PUA is nothing but a narcisistic selfish endevour. They have painted a blue pill red and help get people back into the plantation. whether that was their intention or not. Its proxy. They get men chasing women like princesses. They know and abuse female nature to manipulate and cohearse them using that same knowledge. Creating this illousion of wealth and been an alpha when really there just female psychologists experts (the good ones) Then they all boast about how many women and the hottest women and im just thinking how the fuck all these PUA's aint been me too'ed is beyond me. They introduced spirituality to increaase the successrate of men breaking shyness. Mindfullness does work but its for introspection and they also use it to help pick up women. These men then because they are not a PUA coach with tonnes of exp make the same mistake we are all avoiding.

I like pua for about 2 weeks till i realised there actually was no good women. Even after that i got myself a polish GF over here. using the PUA knowledge i picked up. I got mee too'ed but it got squashed cuz i had evidence. The bass player in my band and a cctv camera showing her kissing me goodbye. She then proceeded to sleep with everyone i know. hahaha then everyone they knew. I obviously caught on what she was like before the shitstorm happened so i sat back and watched. I actually freindzoned her till i just cut my entire past out of my life like a cancer.

PUA = shit because it only teachies you how to pull a woen. It doesnt teach you what their like afterwards!!!!!

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

oh god ... the disliking cunt is back. Don't feed the trolls people

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

I never understood the whole incel thing .... you got 20 bucks? you can find a whore that's more atracttive then most western land-whales

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srprizma 2 years ago

you are still incel if you have to pay for it lol

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

There is probably a lot of libtard feminazis in the muslim no-go-zones though

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KEEPER 5 years ago

Even the Muslims don't like these feminists.

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