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MGTOW Story Time

Published on 07 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

Just an old video where I shatter the NAWALT myth.

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anonmachina 5 years ago

No. NO. Noooooooooo!

The...'..stepping out of the house set ablaze..'..intro, omitted.

That intro intro was epic.

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This is old old video before I made that intro.

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Lorelio 5 years ago

Simp - "Not all women are like that!"
Me - "But they can be!"
Women - Reee *Becomes just like that.*
Simp - "Oh fuck!" *Dies by being stabbed 32 times in the chest*
Me - "Told ya..."

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AngryCoffee 5 years ago

Coming at you live from the plandemic hideaway in classified location in the unknown regions of the US. There is a war of men unlike anything we have ever faced more than ever. The poison that women carry can be just as if not more so lethal than that of a western diamond back snake and just as lethal and stealthy as ghosts in the grave yard. This planned so called pandemic is showing this desperation now more so than ever before. I live life as if I was a spy undercover that is making it as difficult to find as possible. The cunt I am in some ways still married too had forced my red pill consumption on a daily basis. The dumb cunt even wasted valued tax funds of the communities where i lived at last time to file a missing persons police report on me. Never mind the fact I was in a family owned place to rent and live and work in at that time and over a year everyone around me knew my name who i was and all that was included within this.

She is bitter and is unconcerned that even if I was missing maybe I wish to stay that way away from her and her lunatic leftist weirdo ass. She claims to be of God and yet does not submit to men. Another potential gender confused weirdo on top of that. You see gentlemen when it comes to this femtard kool aid some people cannot seem to get enough of it. It is by far a more deadly drug than anything you will find out there. And by the way to add to the crazy on defcon level one level bat shit. She loves to use ouija boards and talks to invisible things that claim to tell her what to do. Under stand that this society has made all this possible simply because the US made voting for women to be made legal.
But of course the men before our time had been responsible not us.

When I said enough and said I am done with her and this marriage because she is way past the point of help.
She said to me I miss carried your children because i hate you and God. The devil is obviously real and took over this one.
I never had believed in such things up until that point. This was Gods hint to get out while you still can.
I lived a much more better way more purpose and joyful life since that day. I went to do some back ground acting in the film industry was even involved in the movie called the ridiculous six as one of the back ground actors in the film. I even played in two poker leagues and made some wild amazing love to some of the best burlesque dancers i have ever had seen in my life.
This is what going ones own way means. The right to live free as a man and to make up for lost time other wise wasted on useless parasites called women. Sorry for the long rant but thought if any man out there is reading this and feels trapped in any relationship be it marriage or dating. You can and should get out of it now. God warned us men not too trust women.
Something to think over.

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anonmachina 5 years ago

'The devil is obviously real and took over this one.' No, no. 'The Devil', is not 'real'. And if it were, I propose you be...kind. For one, it gave humanity access to knowledge, while gawd condemned the acquisition of knowledge ('..from the Tree of Knowledge you must not eat, for in the day you eat of its fruit, you shall die.') /sarcasm

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AngryCoffee 5 years ago

@anonmachina: You under stand the meaning of Mgtow right? Men going their own way. God and the faith there in is my way as i am sure others have their own. Respect that.

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