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MGTOW: The Solution (Complete Series)

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Published on 22 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

⁣Originally uploaded in 2016.

Part 1 of 4

I'm breaking this into a mini-series so that I can get
feedback and questions as I go. This way we can stay on the same page and have
more of a conversation.

This is by no means the final word on the subject, just my
opinion based on my current level of understanding. However, I do believe I
have informed opinions regarding this subject, and I hope this series helps
give the people who are interested some perspective.

Intro Song: "Fling My Turds" by Red Pill Chemist

Background Music: Think Tank by Audionautix is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Artist: http://audionautix.com/

Gameplay: Castle Crashers (Steam Version)

Originally Uploaded in 2016.

Part 2 of 4

In this video I clear up some points from my last video,
detail why MGTOW is the only logical path for a man to follow within a society
as gynocentric society, and then put forward an idea that is so crazy ... so
absolutely insane ... that it's brilliant. Bricks shall be SHAT!

Illuminatus Pythagoras: Straight White Males who Identify as
Lesbian Black Females


Groundwork For The Metaphysics of MGTOW: Feminist Epistemology
Part 3: Postmodernism - MGTOW


What the row over banning Germaine Greer is really about


Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old


Intro Song: "Fling My Turds" by Red Pill Chemist

Background Music: Think Tank by Audionautix is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution license

Artist: http://audionautix.com/

Gameplay: Poker Night at the Inventory (PC)

Originally uploaded in 2016.

Part 3 of 4

In this video I advocate for some long term goals, starting
with the personal and simple, and slowly moving towards asexually reproducing
lizard people. Obviously some goals are more realistic than others.

1. Self-Actualization

2. Financial Independence

3. Defend and Expand Male Spaces

4. Political/Social Reform

5. Space Exploration/Colonization

6. Genetic Manipulation

Intro Song: "Fling My Turds" by Red Pill Chemist

Background Music: Think Tank by Audionautix is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Artist: http://audionautix.com/

Gameplay: Garry's Mod (PC)

Part 4 of 4

We've reached the end of our journey, and while I realize
that this video is going to seen as a betrayal of MGTOW by some (being seen as
pro-marriage and pro-traditionalism), there has to be a sense of situational

I hope that you'll appreciate the fact that I am only
advocating for the lesser evil given the limited choices available, and am not
presenting it as an ideal or permanent solution.

Anyway, I may do a part 5 where I answer questions or
concerns from this video before compiling all the parts into a single video,
but we'll see.

Intro Song: "Fling My Turds" by Red Pill Chemist

Background Music: Think Tank by Audionautix is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Artist: http://audionautix.com/

Gameplay: Borderlands 2 (PC)

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noobnoob 4 years ago

Wtf is wrong with the sound on the intro ?

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RussianSpySleazeBall 4 years ago

My favorite video from TFM,this is when self actualized back in 2016

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crimsondawn8794 4 years ago

How interesting, early TFM before he realized the only real solution is to take women's rights away, lol no need to turn humanity into half lizard hybrids. But a good place to start for Tradcons like I was back in 2016. Best part of the comp was the last 20 min

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KEEPER 4 years ago

yeah these were the scripted well researched sourced videos that were very time consuming to make, but then he was able to have the conversations with other ppl, and he holds his own very well, the average person doesn't do to well when it comes down to live conversations even if they did well with the scripted videos. i've been slowly uploading old TFM SHOWS this is a small playlist i just created and i'm still working on them as i type this. https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/tfm....-show-3-2-2017_7vXP3

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i originally converted these into mp3 format to save space on my phone's memory card, so that's why they are so plane and blank.

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RajoPaldori 4 years ago

MGTOW its just a shield. We need a fire hose. Succesfull MGTOW men should massively infiltrate an undevelop 3rd world country (Im from CentroAmerica, I know about shitholes) where racial tensions shouldn´t be a consideration (Costa Rica, Panamá, Belize, etc) effectively boycotting your country and molding this new community with MGTOW values. Im not talking about a Minerva bullshit new country. Im talking about infiltration. Low skill labour will still be done by low skill locals (with a smile in their faces, Ill say. There is high unemployement here). Sad thing is, MGTOW men tend to be highly independent and iniciatives like this one requieres some level of commune-oriented mindset at least at the early stages.

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Darthtickles 4 years ago

mgtow is more like a pair of running shoes than a shield. not as a put-down, just being accurate

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Darthtickles 4 years ago

the solution is to "take power". not over the bloated welfare states of modern nations, but by creating new systems of organizing that neuter the power of democracy and centralization. if you develop technologies and social systems that allow people to achieve ends outside of government control, then you naturally shrink the power of government without ever needing to cast a vote or fire a shot. if you neuter government by creating a high-functioning system outside of its reach, then it doesnt matter if women and idiots can vote because their votes become meaningless. this effort lends itself naturally toward the independence-leaning mindset of most men who reject contemporary gynocentrism.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

"..Succesfull MGTOW men should massively infiltrate an undevelop 3rd world country..." ==> Thats me bitches......Living In Switzerland atm, but I could by a whole fucking village like Orania, but mgtow are fucking lazy and poor

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Darthtickles: "Succesfull MGTOW men should massively infiltrate" translation "...someone NOT ME do something.." ok bro, but.. and what are you doing?

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

Anarchist dont get it, government force to enforce laws and justice!

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RajoPaldori 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: Thats not the "translation". Im a single man in a shithole feminist country getting by on a salary, ghosting in plane sight, just like most of MGTOW men. Still, as much as one wishes to do anything, one man its still one man. Thats why I favor infiltration. Menonites did it on Perú. Why cant we? If you can buy a village, why haven't you started a new Orania instead of beign lazy in MGTOW.tv comment section? Go buy land in Bolivia or Perú and make shit happen.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@RajoPaldori: excuses, "Dutchland"(quotes) is pretty feminist, I qualified for state education, I went to uni, got a degree (applied physics), used it to get the fuck out (lived in Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland), made a name for myself in finance (after college studying about 50 books orso), and ended in in Switzerland, now. I am not saying you should have done the same, (prolly would joined the Dutch navy and merchant marine if i had to do it all over again), but I didnt make an excuse, monkeys can survive in the jungle, so YOU can survive and thrive in a feminist country,

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@RajoPaldori: "..Go buy land in Bolivia or Perú and make shit happen..." by myself start a no go zones, need at least 4 ppl to do this.

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RajoPaldori 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: Exactly my point! Infiltrate a 3rd world country. You are ONE succesfull man. The reality that you need at least 4 more like-minded bodies to start a no-go-zone doesn´t mean you are waiting for "someone NOT YOU, do something" as you stated, was the "translation" of my comment.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@RajoPaldori: false equivalency, the reason why you are not "rich" is not because of other ppl, thats because of yourself!! Thats my point,

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

Yeah, I could do myself, sure, but to stay safe while you sleep, you need to booby trap /mine field the whole fuking lot, in case gang comes in the middle of the night to lynch you like they do with SA farmers, possible, sure...

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RajoPaldori 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: who TF is talking here about beign "rich" my dude? Your insecurities highjack every interaction or only this one?

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@RajoPaldori: His insecurities and superiority complex screw up just about every interaction and conversation he has on here. I used to talk with him until he showed his true colors with his seething racist remarks (but he can't tolerate any criticsm of White men at all) where he groups races together like we're all the same. He's one of those unhinged, poser "red-pillers" that exaggerate themselves and their greatness, while creating discord and division with claims that he can never back up. Lol, yes he is totally a banker in Switzerland that happens to spend so much of his time on MGTOW.tv talking shit about everyone. Sure.... It's also interesting that most of these guys like him always have anime or attractive female profile pictures. These types also are the ones that many creators put constant images of sexy women in their videos for; notice that many red-pill video content ironically has lots of images of models and such.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: The SA farmers did that shit to themselves. When a small White minority of famers have all the productive land in a Black African country, and they won't even sell any arable land to the natives because of fucking greed, then they set up their own failure. Making a huge super-majority of people in your country disenfranchised and perpetually poor on their own continent is fucking stupid and unwise. They will eventually get sick of it, surround you, and kill you; lavish luxury on display makes it even worse. But most of those with the colonizer, superiority mindset just piss people off; it's arrogant and really stupid to keep up for decades. If the Blacks feel like there is never any serious upward mobility, then they'll just burn the whole damn thing down out of spite. Whites have done the same fucking thing since forever; they get indignant and violent when they are never allowed to have a piece of the pie. Also, a White minority attempting to enforce segregation is bound to fail and cause the Blacks to hate their guts. However, egocentric White assholes seem to never even consider any of this. They think treating people like subhumans forever will turn out well. Reality will show you that you're delusional and retarded, and that Karma is a unforgiving bitch that will remind you of how things REALLY are in reality, rather than in your fucking delusional egotistical pea-brain.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@RajoPaldori: you did dumbass your own quote --> " Succesfull MGTOW men should massively infiltrate an undevelop " ,

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: Hey looser, are you projecting, there are no nude women in any of my videos, what the fuck is wrong with you?

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: LOL, typical lefty wakanda black power shit whats vomiting out of your commie mouth, the africaner turned SA into a modern western country, btw, blacks rule SA now and its the biggest shithole in the wolrd where blacks rape babies because they think it cures aids, go fuck yourself you ADOS retard

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

Look what South African blackies are doing to the science and technology in their country, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9SiRNibD14

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: (quote) "Lol, yes he is totally a banker in Switzerland that happens to spend so much ", wait wait wait, are you saying that "rich" mgtows dont hang out on mgtow.tv??? mgtows are poor suckers? well, someone said something like that earlier somewhere

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RajoPaldori 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: You still at it? Damn, dude....

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@RajoPaldori: Nobody gets to talks shit about white ppl because of colonialism, wtf is wrong with you

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RajoPaldori 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: Me? When did I "talked shit about white ppl because of colonialism"? Boy, you are something else.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@RajoPaldori: at Johnny_Cage You fuking moron, read his fuking comments blaming white ppl for SA problems.

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Jazzipan 4 years ago

To really show how feminism has failed spectacularly...look at feminist Sweden. Tough, strong feminist Sweden is literally being raped to oblivion..

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

mm, yeah women like rape, they really do, I have had enough girlfriends to know thats what they all want, they want to be objectified and treated like shit in the sack

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Jazzipan 4 years ago

You didn't get the point. The point is that feminism is extremely weak, that they can't even protect themselves. I'm not advocating rape, I'm mocking feminism, which I will not apologise for.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Jazzipan: Feminst want to be raped, its almost an honor badge for Swedish girsl to be raped by a degenrate muslim migrant, its like atonement for the sin of being white

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Jazzipan 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: What on earth are you talking about "atonement for being white". You may hate Jews and Muslims, but this is way too much, even from someone like you. Skin colour is not the problem. It's the mindset...

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