MGTOW, The Ugly Truth About New Inventions, one for the DIY'er.
Published on 03 Mar 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Her is one for all you Red Pill and MGTOW DIY guy's. Invention's are they really wortyh bothering with? I myself invent or tweak inventions all the time, often for one job. The idea is purely in my HEAD, it does what it should, BUT no way I would go for the hassle of marketing or patenting them? Don't want the Hassle, don't want the pressure or all the crap that goes with it. Don't need a lot of Money anyway, and I don't want to be ROBBED especially in this untrustworthy corporate World of today? My inventions and developments as I say are in my head and will go to my grave with me! Who knows my Water powered Engine could change the world - YEH! right! lol!
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Solid post, here.