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MGTOW Toasting Marshmellows

Published on 12 Dec 2020 / In Film & Animation

ahh! memories

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

Here's a story for ya..
At Dr. Franklin Miles Boyscout camp camporee there are contests.. and there was a cemented channel between the two lakes a couple hundred feet long.. well, they would pump out water from the one lake.. making the water level lower than the other one.. well, so this cemented channel would drain dry into the lower lake.. They had a sled that 6 scouts would pull with ropes towards the higher lake with the dam.. and someone would release the water when you were about half way there.. Well, one scout rode the sled while the other 6 pulled it toward the dam.. and you are on cement until you hit the wall of water coming toward you.. that one of the administrators released by raising a wood rail.. .. So we watched other troops do this.. we saw their errors.. well, I grew up water skiing AND skim boarding behind boats, not enuff hp to ski so plywood worked to kneeboard or bodyboard.. .. so I had a clue about that.. my buddys told the older dudes. .hey this guy here.. I had seen other people already hit the walls of the channel.. fall off when they hit the wall of water gushing toward them.. so just common sense knowing I would make the ride all the way and it was being timed.. these older bastards would run me right into the dam at the end.. and they did.. I jumped up flew over the dam and landed in the lake.. yaknow.. some things ya wish someone had recorded it.. lol.. we won the event and the whole dam contest that weekend.. nobody told me to worry about hitting the dam.. you have to think for yourself in this world..

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

Great memory, would never be allowed to happen today...too dangerous....but it must have been a rush

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

Toasted marshmallows, yes,, you need to twirl them pretty much start to finish.. angle them upward once they catch fire.. .. I imagine I had some good teachers.. cannot recall how many times I have camped out. a dozen of us would camp on the beach at the pass with my Dad and his buddy.. and our mullet skiff.. then as a boy scout we had cabins man at camp miles. .. OUR TROOP 75 WON THE STATE CAMPOREES.. twice I think.. Our scoutmaster looked and acted like mister kotaire.. heh as a teenager we would trek out behind our old elementary school , through 400' of mangroves , (saltwater marsh) muck and mudd,, to a shell island. .probly a burial grounds. .it was high and dry.. lol. Chuck would steal a whole bottle of booze from his mother and then just deal with her later... the other side of the island where we camped was on shallow saltwater channels. and we were able to harvest some oysters.. Chance of cops showing up? hah,, not very likely..
We'd spend the weekend out there doing what teenagers did back then.,. ok honestly , cigarettes , alcohol and pot.. swim.. fires... eat.. completely unstructured couple of days..
anyways thats what us cool kids were doing .. ;)

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

those sound like great times and you talk about it with great affection...and why not, look at what the kids these days are doing....they're on their phones..WOW!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

aaand , drum roll please.. The most common insult in 1976 ,, was (queer) and youd throw in a hard shove just for the fun of it..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@jimbennett: or the derivative queer bait! lol..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@SoloManZone: yea we were out on our bicycles all the time.. we lived in a decent neighborhood less than a mile from the beach.. and wooded areas .. we could ride motorcycles also for awhile until development interfered.. but there were trails to ride bicycles or motorcycles on through the woods.. totally safe and in the '70's .. no cops to speak of..

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@jimbennett: We played in the forest and rivers and lakes, went out at 8am and on our bikes and gone, just be back at 6pm for supper.......freedom

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

That was just a few reasons why not to drink. I watched over the years Alcohol destroy many people and kill some of my friends and still other friends keep on drinking . I have NEVER seen anything good come from Alcohol . If you can can think of a good reason to drink I would like to know what it is ! ? Maybe one .. If you need to dig a BULLET out of someone or cut off a leg !

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

Drinking is fine to me and you can have good times, but moderation, for instance i have a couple bottles of beer at the weekend, I don't see whats wrong with that.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@SoloManZone: In my thing if you need to get tipsy to have a good time something is wrong in the first place. There are plenty of things to do to have fun without have to be Distorted . And to many times before they know it there an Alcoholic . To me it's just not worth it .

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

(( ooops In my Thinking ))

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: Have you ever drank at some point?

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@SoloManZone: I watched as a teenager as a close friend got in a head on crash and cut the top of his head off ! and still i was a dumb ass and drank from 10 years old until was 24 . I did all the stupid things driving drunk fighting Bar fights the hole deal . One Day I said to myself that's enough and Quit . A much better life after that .

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: OK, so you are natural then....the people that are the heavy preachers of either smoking or alcoholic usually have always abused those things themselves. 10 years is way too young for drinking

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@SoloManZone: The first half half of my life very bad. I grew up fast smoked pot drank was driving at 10 by 12 Phucking Girls . My first born son when i was 15 . Had a hard life been shot at shoot at other people many times had to take life . I have even Died twice but God didn't Want me yet and Hell wouldn't take me . What family I have left keep telling me to write a book . I'm thinking about that .

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: Thats what my videos are, just snippets of my life and experiences, if you wrote a book it may help others avoid the pitfalls or others that have fallen too tell them they are not alone

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