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Published on 02 Aug 2020 / In Film & Animation

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Bagoodman 5 years ago

Nice to have you here and good luck with the channel . GOOD LUCK... ***MGTOWmonkFOREVER***

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Councilof1 5 years ago

Awesome thumbnail. It's a field of dream's.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

smart man. but let the ppl on youtube know this lol.
i hope more ppl start using this website as none of their comments or videos will be censored, unless it's illegal or something. but for the most part it's free speech that you will find here. but don't just out right quit the big tech platforms as you will need them to promote places like to the masses on youtube twitter and facebook, just let ppl know they won't be censored for free speech, hell some of the ppl that are here on this website aren't even mgtow. but they deal in politics that are often being shut down for various stupid reasons. but we don't mind them here as it's literally a free speech platform.

also the man who runs is the only staff this website has and he has almost no free time on his hands to censor even if he tried to censor ppl, he simply works all his time away with his various jobs, and projects. recently he's been thinking about creating his own discord alternative because lately discord is turning into a social justice shit hole and ppl are beginning to understand this information. some channels on discord have been banned multiple times and are considering the alternatives. is great for videos and information ppl can also post their own articles on any topic as far as i'm aware lol hell i even put an article up there talking about the new update to the app for the app needs another update but idk how long that will be from now, but there is an app on both iphone and android phone markets.

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