MGTOW Valentines Day
Published on 04 Feb 2021 / In
Film & Animation
There's talk of me getting demoted already.
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It's no accident that Valentines Day is "VD" day seeing as most females now have the Clap of some description due to their rampant "WHORING" with the Simp's and even each other! lol! The only Flower's I would gladly buy a women is if it's Funeral was on Valentines day! LOL!
For ALL Red Pill and MGTOW the 14th Feb is a day to count their blessings and party for escaping the lies and bollocks that is "LOVE" That "Illusion" created for the "Deluded"! lol! If It wasn't for the FACT I'm Monk and "Indifferent" completely to females now? It would actually be a great time to send females you HATE poison Pen Letter's, and a bunch of dead weed's! lol! Send them a Chocolate Box with nicely shaped Dog Crap in it! lol! they won't no the difference because their Narcissism will override the taste along with their own stink hole breathe! LOL!
As I say for MEN Valentine's Day is now becoming a day of Celebration. Go out and like at Christmas Buy yourself a treat. Maybe a Sexbot! lol! or a new Car or Motorcycle, anything that will last longer than any "RelationSHIT" with a female! lol!
One of my new found FAV things to do is if I see a Broken Down women at the roadside (I mean it's CAR is Broken Down) not the woman though she probably has Mental issues? And it's a cold dark wet night, then drive past slowly as she expectantly looks at you, then smile and wave so she see's you in the Dash light's then drive off. That is so empowering to a Red Pill or MGTOW, well for me anyway's! lol! If this is on Feb 14th it is even more of a bonus!
Q: How did you get 4 stars? A: I've survived 4 divorces.
I’m turning 19 on Valentine’s Day, Happy MGTOW Day Feb-14th
‘Captain Lobo” is what I say in the mirror. Those people still call me stupid sexy though....