***note, i am plant based, dont eat ANY animal products.*** You cannot have a different perception of whats cruel and whats not, If you want a vegan to turn into an utter mess. Talk about bees. They literally turn into a meat eater. The same goyim tactic has been used on both sides. Manufactured social war. Vegan's separate themselves from nature through a self hatred of always causing harm. We can not make an animals life healthie either. Apparently its animal torture on a 6 week life spanned insects that literally work themselves to death to take the excess after you eliminated most natural dangers for them. So if you help a farmer keeps his crops, its abuse to farmers?
As i connected with nature, i was seeing the lies veganism was spreading. Its EGO based thinking. They will shout you down without even looking tat your evidence. CULT We are meant to live in symbiotic relationship, not a separate one. We are also nature
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I just notices, The article i sued miss uses the term "land of milk and honey" Thats is DMT and serotonin, not literally milk and honey. I gotta be more carefull of my sources