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MGTOW - Ways Women Are Like Children

Published on 12 Oct 2019 / In Entertainment
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Zdrada 3 years ago

im pretty sure you just described human nature thats not just limited to women ive seen hundreds of grown ass men show all of these behaviors we can all tell you have a bias towards women and ur a sexist pig

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TheRareBreedTheory 3 years ago

check out 0:24 seconds to 30 seconds

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AngryCoffee 5 years ago

They are children and they get treated like they are as such by me.

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shamingincoming 5 years ago

alguem traduz pro brasileiro, por gentileza!

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Freeatlast 5 years ago

Women act like children. How about when you rationally prove them wrong they break down and act like a 10-year-old girl crying. Or they flip The blame on you as the fault. And they never admit they are wrong or say they are sorry. Never will happen.
They only want what they want as you said. They don't give a rats ass what you want. It will never ask you or seek what you want, unless they are trying to manipulate you for what they want.
They can do a little bit of dusting or vacuuming and cleaning up and make a BFD about it, but you go and wash the car and more the lawn and freaking clean the garage out and they just ignore it and expect it.
How is love how on birthdays my ex-wife wanted cards and dinner out and I'll kinds of crap. For my birthday I got a card and maybe kind of special dinner. I don't even think I got sex for it. At least nothing special.

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