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MGTOW: Why I don't like Incels and what we should do about them.

Published on 24 Dec 2024 / In Film & Animation

I have been looking at the situation with the Incels and the Incel Community and I do not like it,
I do not like their refusal to be MGTOW and Red Pill and their insistence on the fact that dating
and getting laid is somehow good and that its "unfair" they didn't participate in it. They are blue
pill men who spout red pill sounding rhetoric, they are failed simps and if they were to ever
succeed with women even once they would immediately simp and behave like a blue pilled cuck. They
do not belong in the MGTOW Community and the Manosphere, there is no room for blue pilled values
and failed simping in the Manosphere, that is why we must deport the incels from the Manosphere.

Proof (including my own responses to them):

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 3 months ago

The media also dishonestly links incels to the Red Pill and MGTOW. A catch phrase I came up with for explaining it quickly to normies is; "incels want women and can't get with them. MGTOWs can easily get with women but gave up on them." Polar opposites.

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There was a TV show - a series on either the SBS or the ABC TV networks in Australia (Special Broadcasting Service or the Australian Broadcasting Corporation) by a guy called John Saffran - who did a series on a diverse range of "ideologies" - from jews to nazi skin heads... Quite a learning and insighful series into how people have far more in common than they don't and how quickly they will change sides on specific issues.... I have been after the videos for a LONG time... but they have all but evaporated, and I have even (made attempts) asked Safran himself etc.. no luck.....

In a wide-ranging chat, John discusses the time he tried to join the KKK, how far-right extremists recruit, whether hate speech should be censored and why Nazis have found themselves protesting alongside transphobes.

I have put in further attempts to get hold of these videos....

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sauger1001 3 months ago

They sound like the lowest of the low.

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Amiba 3 months ago

That's because they are.

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Amiba 3 months ago

They refused help and to become better people, so therefore they are the lowest of the low.

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Amiba 3 months ago

They could've been redpilled like us, but they chose not to! They are on their own now. Kick them from the manosphere!

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Don't judge them too hard: They could be cult indoctrinated to follow or crave the pussy always. I mean they are useless, but it may be our "failing" education system ran by Globohomo Jews or their ass agents. I mean they still die, but we failed them, our erected leaders...

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Hhoocked on Fonix werked fer meh... LOL!?!

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Amiba 3 months ago

I think they are.

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