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MGTOW - Why You Should Strive for a Meaningful Life, Not a Happy One

Published on 23 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

More Pearls of wisdom among the laughs for the MGTOW MIND to consider? to help and explain to us MEN the reality of the world?

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anonmachina 4 years ago

Existence is innately devoid of purpose. Though one may 'discover' purpose (meaning), though one may accomplish goals, though one may derive satisfaction from an activity—all is for naught.

All things ever designed, all things ever engineered, all things manufactured, all architecture, all texts ever written, all media ever published, all lineage, all wealth, all knowledge, all presumptions of authority, all presumptions of power, all presumptions of ownership—all will ultimately yield to time, become undone, be forgottened.

And with the dispersal of the Universe to the extent of absolute zero, perhaps all (if not most) motion at any scale will cease.

All is for naught.

I'm just trying to help.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Yep1 I agree, yet in this purposeless life you have to do something? I do stuff I like it has no real purpose but it's fun whilst it last's and eventally as you say, It's ALL for Naught? Ratrher than a strivging to be all the crap they expect it's more of a game of Striving to Survive and it doesn't haver to be a bad experience, for what is life without experience? - I know! Naught! lol!

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@mrghoster: 'Rather than a striving to be all the crap they expect it's more of a game of Striving to Survive..'. Sobering words, indeed. I walked away from a government career 15 years ago...it was one of the best decision I have made. Inner peace is priceless.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

@anonmachina: I was a Civil Servant in the Postal industry in the UK. SAfter an induxxtrial accident I was pensioned of medically. Best thing that has ever happened to me. In lot's of ways I'm happy to be who I am today because of that event? As you say "Peace of Mind" is priceless and I'm never going to give that up?

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@mrghoster: I could not imagine living in the UK at present. The 'powers that be' are committed to installing a dictatorship. The People of the UK should be equally committed to preventing it...with guns cocked and ready. (Import or printing 24/7 is always an options to the lack of weapons). I'm just trying to help. /sarcasm

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Mr_Awesomeness 4 years ago

I love the message in this video. The more you suffer towards your goals (a worthwhile way) the happier you'll be. No wonder my chronic procrastination has been leaving a crushing feeling in my chest - I'm not moving, hustling, hurting enough to justify these short dopamine pleasures on YouTube. For the first time in my life, I'll start moving for real. Thanks for putting this into perspective for me, it changed the way I saw myself, material possessions, and other things. This is pretty incredible!

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

I think for a lot of men, they need a purpose to be content. And think about what purpose is force fed to all men by society-get married, have kids, be happy. Her happiness is your happiness.

And so society uses that need and twists it for its own gain.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

MAN can be happy without Marriage, Kid's and a women generally. Give a MAN a chance to innovate and create, he will.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

@mrghoster: I really enjoyed this video in how it exemplifies the need for self improvement. One should always strive to become greater than he already is, for in doing so the journey he travels allows him to accumulate more experience and knowledge to be able to understand the realm around himself, his state of being. So it is not goals or objectives that provide us a measure of purpose but the journey. Through the journey it is where one is challenged and it is through those challenges that one grows and transcends their former self into a much greater being.

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