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MGTOW Will End The Patriarchy

Published on 18 Apr 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Gamer Joey and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, before I begin I just wanna thank you and MGTOW for providing me with red pills and teaching me about the risks of relationships with women. because of you I now know what to avoid. I will be honest, I'm not convinced about everything MGTOW says about women, but there is no doubt that with the strong grip feminism has on society and with the laws favoring women MGTOW is the only option for men. So, onto the topic at hand. Now, I know the goal of MGTOW isn't to chance society, but simply for men to walk away from a society that doesn't care about them. Though the collapse of westeren society may be inevitable, I have to wonder what stage 2 is after the collapse. I see some of MGTOW men talk about how patriarchy is the only solution to this crazed feminist mess of a society, because women need to be kept under control. the thing that worries me about a patriarchy though, at least if we're talking about one similar to Gilead in "The HandMaids Tale, is that we will lose the most valuable thing MGTOW men strive for "Freedom", freedom from a society that wants us to sacrifice everything for it, and freedom to choose our own path. Besides, once artifical wombs become viable we won't need women to reproduce anymore, so would that really be necessary? I don't know what the other alternatives are,
though I'm sure you could tell me, what do you think will come next?" Well Gamer Joey thanks for the donation and topic. There are a lot of great questions there and I've discussed this topic before in part but I'll get to it on a much deeper level in a second. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Alaska Chaga:
Anyways, Now back to the video. So Joey you want to know what the second stage after the collapse is? After patriarchy. Well truth be told we are stuck in a behavioral loop or endless cycle of gynocentrism and women always win no matter what happens. They are casinos with cooches. Some men like TFM talk about how we need to go back to traditionalism and take women's rights away which I don't agree with. I think we need to build a paralel society within this one using our own ideas and consumer goods. My brand of MGTOW would see something entirely different for the world. Besides the artificial wombs you mentioned I would see loverbots having just as much impact on men. Both of those things will create massive amounts of freedom for men. You say that men will lose their freedom in a patriarchy if it comes back after a crash and I completely agree. But are we really all that free today? Yes from historical standards we are but from the point of view of most women today we are not. Our freedom if we choose to go our own way is a farce.

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3 Bigstock Photos Credits For Ad:

1. Young beautiful barista woman

2. Gorgeous young lady drinking coffee

3. portrait of attractive and sexy asian woman in sexy dress

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charliebrownau 5 years ago

When SHTF happens it will have the effect of MASS RED PILLING The general population

SHTF needs to happen for 6-12 months with no gov + no News + no power grid

Thus resulting in

No more Global Zionists brainwashing machine - Mainstream MEDIA/Schools/uni/etc

No more double standards

No more police/courts/judges that are
- Anti Male
- Anti White
- Anti Western
- Anti hold everyone to the same standard + Same punishment + Same sentence

Human nature will rise, truth will be based for society once again

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charliebrownau 5 years ago

When the Global Zionist dictatorship officially happens in 2030
and whites are rounded up in the street and shot on mass
maybe then people will want their freedom and want to collectively stand up finally

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charliebrownau 5 years ago

If anything the Global Zionist NWO push for White Race Destruction has managed to expose
Christians + Tradcucks + Cuckservative"
Race Mixing
Female nature

Once people get the truth pill from the different side of the debate

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