MGTOW - Women Give Terrible Customer Service
Published on 29 Sep 2020 / In
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Especially in Government jobs where little or no production is the normal thing. Women at the DMV and other Gov''t agencies local, state and federal are the worse. A close 2nd is welfare to work females in hospitality or food jobs. They can kiss my arse. I complain to the highest level when I get shitty service. heheheheheh -the Warrior
women are taken men way too personal because they know they are less than shit and we don't care for them
As usual women demand more than they're willing to give. Nothing they do surprise's me anymore. It's even better when they try to deny it, they just end up proving me correct.
I had a doctor check up, and then was supposed to get a blood test. I walked over to the blood test office, and I said I don’t know if I should get the test right yet because I ate this morning. The bitch across the desk said “holding off a blood test so your drugs can clear out of your system doesn’t work”. I was totally Shocked with what she said. I couldn’t believe it. I realized she was just a SJW cunt. I reported her to the company and they took care of her.
I am a 60ish, guy and am very conservative. I have no shady attributes in my life. Women with attitudes, which is the normal for them, just make them unfit to deal with anybody outside of their own kids. And God help their kids.
Women in any job suck. If they are bosses, or in HR, they are just totally inapt, coldhearted bitchs.