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MGTOW - Would RBT Or TFM Go Back To The Plantation?

Published on 04 May 2020 / In Film & Animation

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Pariah 5 years ago

I love being alone so I don't have any reason to be in the plantation to begin with. People from the plantation keeps blaming me for not wanting to live like them but I didn't really care as much anymore. The hardest part of it all being trying to leave someone whom you actually care behind.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

I sure as heck wouldn’t go back, I would just burn down the gynocentric plantation.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

Why are people disliking my comments, It’s not like I’m attacking anybody...Which that’s not my intentions; I’m just saying that we aren’t going back to marriage/traditionalism and any other crap that caters towards women. Which anything that favors women like marriage is cancer. Only Artificial wombs are the best alternative because we as MGTOW will prevail, Not women; Jeez }: [

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MrCaldwell 5 years ago

I've listened to both TFM and RBT to the point I see where they both stand on these issues and I really have to agree a lot of it has to do with the current BS laws set up. When men are responsible but have no authority it's difficult to pull off the family thing. It wouldn't be so much of a plantation if the laws were not BS. Also, RBT, I think the loneliness can also stem from what you have been used to. I'm early 30s and dated a lot in my 20's before the laws went from bad to worse. Before that I spent a lot of time alone so as it stands I like keeping to myself. Don't get me wrong my biological instinct says family=yes but when you start to fact logic and reason your way through a relationship nothing sticks. Hope to hear you on TFMs show sometime too.

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HK47 5 years ago

Commentary: I will never go back to the plantation. There are numerous reasons why, and quite frankly after having lived years now on my own with very little interactions with the female meatbags any longer ( I haven't even bothered to have sex with one now for almost 7 years ) I just don't see myself turning around any longer.

The laws changed once, they can be (and will be) changed back again. The belief that "rolling back the clock" is a solution is simply another layer of delusion. The same problems which led to this situation being what it is will still be every bit as true as they would be if men collectively actually took hold of their nuts and resumed control.

The same problem exists that has always existed: The female meatbag is disloyal, manipulative, and constantly undercuts what we build. They want the same things they always want: freedom without consequence. That is simply unsustainable. They achieve this, in society after society, the same way every time. By creating simps.

The idea that turning back the clock will fix things is a band-aid solution at best. Females will immediately revert to telling us what we want to hear and doing exactly what they think we want (only enough to be provided for, mind you) and resume again whispering in the ears of children and attempting to convince men to go off and die to war and overwork and all that "because that's what a REAL man does."

In the end, they will re-create or simply re-empower the simps...who will foolishly and thirstily cut the females back off the leash...and then we're right back here having this same conversation all over again....or watching yet another society we sacrificed a lot to build fall apart and be relegated to the dustbin of history.

No, I can't unsee what I've seen. I cannot delude myself that there is a sure-fire and reliable way to control the female meatbags. We've tried various forms of government and culture and religions and education methods.

The real solution is to change the rules of the game, so that we are removing the core of the problem here...which is the female meatbag herself.

How do we do this? Well, that answer is both complex and simple, but requires drastic changes to many systems and beliefs even though I believe it will be overall a good thing in the end.

The first step is to break the monopoly that females hold on reproduction. As long as they have the SOLE ability to have children, they will always have a position by which to negotiate and eventually wear down most men. We solve this by creating alternatives, such as those already in the works like the artificial womb.

If we truly wanted to be great and evil about it, we could actually get the females to fund it themselves by promising them that "You can have a baby anytime, with or without a man! It's the great feminist dream, be free of the patriarchy!"

We know damn well that women would throw their money at it left and right if we sold it that way, and wouldn't resist getting the technology perfected and appropriate laws in place.

Then we just stop the welfare state. No more free gibs. Those "empowered single ladies" aren't going to be having children via the artificial womb when they have to provide all the costs for a child with NO government assistance of any kind. Men could, though.

You finish the whole deal off with the icing on the cake, which would be a compelling alternative to females for sex and companionship. The advanced gynoid.

She'll be customizable to your desires, and will actually be loyal because she's programmed to be. She'll provide the positives of female behavior without any of the negatives. Furthermore, she'll probably wind up costing only about as much as a decent car after a while.

Yet she'll be able to do your laundry, cook like a masterchef, guard you while you sleep and protect your property, do your taxes, offer investment advice based on fact and logic and analysis, entertain you with flawless renditions of music, drive you around if you're feeling lazy, serve as a fully competent fitness/health/wellness advisor and a professional masseur.....

All while looking like a supermodel, fucking like a pornstar, and costing WAY less than even maintaining a meatbag female for a couple years let alone the astronomical costs of a divorce and child support.

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TheRareBreedTheory 5 years ago

What will the women do then? lol

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Mupp3t 5 years ago

@TheRareBreedTheory: who cares 😀

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RoboCat 5 years ago

I'm in the 10% TFM is takling about. I really want a family but it doesn't matter how sweet the deal gets, I've seen what female nature is and I will never under any circumstances invest my time/money into a woman. I know that a woman would betray me if the price was right. Fuck. That. Shit.

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