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MGTOWs From 1923 In Atlantic City Shamed & Called Simps

Published on 15 Jun 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get any for today. I thought I'd share a short article from May 14, 1923 in the New York Times that shows you that female nature trying to shut down male spaces and shut us up stretches way back in time. The woman in it even calls men that are single and refuse to remarry simps. That was one of the earliest documented uses. Here's what it says and I quote: "Woman Calls Bachelors "Simps" "Afraid to Take a Chance," Says Woman Referring to Club. In Atlantic City New Jersey on May 13 a letter signed by "Miss Lillian Henderson," which bitterly assailed Atlantic City's bachelors," was received here today by Acting Captain of Detectives Frank Feretti from Newark. The letter referred particularly to the now defunct Bachelors' Club here and the Atlantic City Widowers Association. "Those bachelor simps." wrote Miss Henderson." are afraid to take a chance and are too tight to share their earnings with a wife." The Bachelor Club assailed by Miss Henderson disbanded recently when some of its members deserted and married. The Widowers' Association headed by City Detective Edward Sowney, is formed mainly of those who have traveled a stormy marital path and have sworn "never again." unquote. At first I couldn't figure out why Miss Lillian Henderson petitioned the police to shut down a bachelor's club. Then it dawned on me she was probably trying to cancel Detective Edward Sowney back in 1923 for being head of the Widower's Association. That's probably the real reason she contacted his place of employment and sent his higher up the letter. This is 100 years ago and the cancel culture ideas remain the same the names have just change. Back then Widowers and bachelor's associations were used by men to meet and share ideas about female nature and probably just network. But proto feminists and suffragettes back then wanted to shut down all male spaces. They had shut down the bars when they banned alcohol only three years before thanks to the prohibition act. But that wasn't enough. Lilian was using the typical shaming language that single men were selfish and stupid simps. Shaming men back then for being cowards unwilling to take a chance. All stuff I recently spoke about in a video I shared that has a chapter from my upcoming book called: "Shaming Single Men." Lilian contacted active Captain of Detectives Frank Feretti. She was trying to shame detective Sowney to his boss and put pressure on him by also shaming him and all the detective to try and get Sowney canned. Lilian is trying to scare men from talking to one another in their own clubs and associations without the company of a woman. She's trying to say that they will be cancelled and it's pure scare tactics the way we see today. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz:

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Atton 2 years ago

I think really when it comes to tech long term I think mgtow will be ok. We need to stop playing games on their playing field and move away from mainstream tech. is a monument to mgtow, was also quite effective. As it is often been said if you build it they will come.

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Freewinds 2 years ago

interesting how they used the term simp back then. It's a bit different now.

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Yeah - I have accessed SOME recordings from the 1920's and the recordings were really fucking degenerate and the boozing was out of control - so the women and their temperance unions, the prohibition, and the public decency act, were I think their answer to kind of quenching the out of control crazies that society had become... Kind of like every 10th house in every street was a crack house, in a metaphorical sense.

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WindSage 2 years ago

My grandfather(RIP) was from around that time and he was ashamed of the women. Back then it was a mans job to keep them pure and out of trouble.

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Singapore Rattan Prison Canes work wonders.

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csehszlovakze 2 years ago

I'm not that knowledgeable on American history, but wasn't prohibition the amendment before giving women the vote?

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Longshanks 2 years ago

Women's voting rights were pushed by politicians in Iowa in the 1860s. The politicians wanted more constituents and offered to make women voting persons. The women initially refused the right to vote because it came with the responsibility of being conscripted in war. The politicians then offered women the right to vote without the responsibility of military service.

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Longshanks 2 years ago

The rest, is history. Prohibition came *AFTER* women were granted the right to vote. Go figure,

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Mgvember 2 years ago

Is there any wonder why MGTOW's a thing now? On top of feminism being terminal, we STILL have people like Henderson doubling down on policy, denying what little freedom we have. And so, we have men who stop at nothing to counter their bullshit - be it their targetted harassment and defamation of bachelors, or their pro-slave propaganda aimed at boys barely outside their teens.

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